By way of Esteban Contreras. And why would they? Have you seen - TopicsExpress


By way of Esteban Contreras. And why would they? Have you seen what passes for social on social channels? Its embarrassing. So lets recalibrate, because unless youre doing a kickass job building a cult around your brand, (yes, a cult) you need to start looking at realistic strategies for your digital spend that arent built around ineffective fluff. While consumers may not want to friend a brand just for the sake of doing so, there’s evidence that they want to engage with a brand online so long as they get something out of it. For example, the majority of shoppers in the study said they are open to receiving an ad or promotion from a brand on their mobile device that’s tied to their location. Social vs. transactional. Compare we make money selling you content because thats what you think you need (content marketers and social media ninjas/Jedi/personal brands) with we help you use social channels to build a better, cooler, more likable company that will attract more new and returning business than before (legitimate social business professionals). Are you starting to see the difference? So next time a social media guru assures you that its not about sales, man. Its all about the conversation, man. What really matters, you know, is like, the the likes and mentions and the good vibes, just walk away. Walk. Away. Your future (and former) customers want value, not useless, cheaply made content that a stable of underpaid agency interns youve never even met wrote at the last minute to meet a deadline. blogs.wsj/cmo/2014/09/18/more-than-half-of-us-consumers-dont-want-to-friend-a-brand-online/
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 16:27:38 +0000

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