Bài tập danh từ số ít- số nhiều ( mai cung cấp - TopicsExpress


Bài tập danh từ số ít- số nhiều ( mai cung cấp key) 1. All birds are very good at building their_____ nestes nest nests nestoes 2. Donna and Doug are planning to sell all their possessions and move to Maui in order to become beach_____. bumes bums bum bumoes 3. We ate both____. apple appleoes apples applese 4. We picked some_____ from the tree. orangeses orangeoes oranges orange 5. Leaves covered the two ______ in the woods. pathes path paths pathese 6. Three_____ swam in the river. fish fishs fishes fishoes 7. I have jush bought three_____ ox oxes oxs oxen 8. Sandy knew that many _____ were living in the walls of the old houses. mouses mouse mice mices 9. The hunters never noticed the two ____ by the appletrees. deers deeres deer deeroes 10. Are the _____chasing the other farm animals? geese gooses goose goosoes 11. You should place the _____ and spoons to the left of the plates. knifes knives knife knifese 12. The _____ stood on boxes to see the parade. child childs children childrens 13. Please keep your hands and ____ inside the car. feet foots foot footes 14. Please give me that _____. cissor cissors cissorses cissores 15. There are five____in the picture. sheep sheeps sheepes thắc mắc về lí thuyết có thể post luôn phía dưới :v
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 03:01:05 +0000

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