C.A.R.S. – Commonly Accepted Rules of Safety 1. Guns are - TopicsExpress


C.A.R.S. – Commonly Accepted Rules of Safety 1. Guns are always loaded; never trust a gun’s safety. 2. Observe the laser rule, by always pointing your gun in a safe direction, including the sweep. 3. Oberve your target and what is beyond it. 4. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire. 5. Never point your gun at anything you do not intend to destroy. 6. Be mindful of penetration and ricochets. 7. Maintain permanent safe control of your guns. 8. Distraction and impairment kill. 9. If in a scuffle, do not draw or fire unless you are in full control. 10.Do not use your gun to warn or threaten unless in an immediate life or death situation where you are justified in following through with the shot! The laser drill Practice the laser game as a fun exercise only with rubber guns, and practice frequently, if you don’t have rubber guns, use your finger. Laser works by starting with your dummy gun pointed at the ground, with the objective of moving it to a corner of the room where the walls meet the floor. To do this, you pretend there is a laser beam pointing out the end of the gun. Your goal is to move the gun to the corner without touching, sweeping, or crossing anything that you could kill or ricochet off of. In other words, move around, behind, below and beneath every living thing so the gun is never pointed in their direction in its sweep. Bio How the Body Works Physiology literally means function or how the body does what it does. We will just call it Bio for short. Bio involves the shape youre in, your age, experience, eyesight, hand/ eye control, muscle memory, brain function, breathing, and much more. In combat, the adrenaline effect raises the heart rate, and above a certain level, your hearing shuts down, higher logic functions shut down, your vision narrows, and your body prepares you for fighting, running and possible injury. During the Fight In a life threatening situation, the intended victims fight or flight reflex manifests itself. This reflex, honed by millennia of adaptive human survival behavior, results in increased heart rate and cardiac output, higher blood pressure, accelerated respiration, greater carbohydrate metabolism, and virtually instantaneous supercharging of the body. This stimulation is attributable to the adrenal glands above the kidneys which produce steroidal hormones, and the hormones and neurotransmitters epinephrine (adrenaline) and nor epinephrine, responsible for constricting blood vessels and dilating bronchi in the lungs. The stress, rage, and fear which overwhelm the intended victim thus create a bodily alarm reaction which expresses itself as a period of greater strength and faster speed, accompanied by near impervious reaction to pain. At the same time, fine motor skills grossly deteriorate, dexterity noticeably decreases, and the hands, arms and legs may tremble. The intended victim will also likely experience an altered state of perception as well. One, indeed, is not calm, cool and collected. The perception of time may become distorted. With the body alarm reaction, the mind processes stimuli at a fantastically accelerated rate when compared to normal. The result may be the perception that activities are occurring in slow motion, even though movements of the event may actually be extremely fast. The reverse may also occur: the event may seem to transpire faster than one would expect. In its in incredibly heightened state of awareness, the mind of the intended victim tends to focus with tunnel vision on the identified threat. This results in the exclusion of normal peripheral vision. Knowledge of this potential visual reaction to an attack is valuable in the event one is ever faced with multiple assailants. The perception of hearing, like vision, may also be drastically affected during a life threatening encounter. The mind screens out everything that is extraneous to immediate survival, resulting in auditory exclusion. The distorted perception of hearing may mute shouts, sirens and screams. You may not even hear your own gun fire. This sensory response was employed with considerable dramatic effect by Steven Spielberg in his motion picture Saving Private Ryan. The fight or flight reflex allows the mind to draw upon memory resources that are not normally used. The intended victim may experience a sense of precognition, an anticipation response to a subconsciously perceived sequence of circumstances. You see it coming; even though to the casual observer no violent threat as yet exists. Be prepared to experience a denial response to a life or death situation. One tends to seek mental and emotional shelter in normalcy. When this state of mind is horrifically shattered, the intended victims reaction may be this cant be happening. One may experience hysterical blindness during or after an attack. Essentially, the mind refuses to visualize any longer a terrifying event perceived by the eyes. This may translate into fleeing the scene of an attack, even if one successfully, and legally, used lethal force to survive the incident. Needless to say, law enforcement officials will take a dim view of this evasion. In a highly trained person who has practiced to a degree that the bodys reaction to a stimulus is automatic, the fight or flight reflex may create the illusion of watching ones self . The body movement is so fast, without the guidance of deliberate thought that ones conscious mind cant keep up. The highest manifestation of the phenomenon of observing oneself occurs as an out of body experience. Due to trauma, the minds survival instinct drives all senses into a state of profound and unparalleled perception. From sounds and recalled sights, the mind is able to generate three dimensional images. The out of body experience is often combined with a celestial death. During this state, one sees a brilliant, bright tunnel or vortex of intense white light. One may also spiritually encounter loved ones who have passed on. The celestial death may be experienced by those who are clinically dead, who miraculously recover, as well as by those victims of an attack who believe them to be mortally wounded, near imminent death. After a life threatening encounter, the intended victim may occasionally revert to a state similar to that of sleep walking, seeming to be in a zombie-like trance. Confusion is a state of mind commonly experienced by an intended victim who has survived a life or death encounter. Manifestations include remembering events out of sequence, exaggerating the importance of trivial incidents, and forgetting important events due to short term memory loss. The ramifications of the foregoing physical-psychological aspects of encountering, enduring, and evading a life threatening violent attack is obvious: recognize in yourself how your body and mind may react, and prepare yourself accordingly to the extent possible. Mental preparedness is one aspect of self defense. Likewise, it is apparent that an intended victim who has survived a violent encounter is not going to be in the best frame of mind to immediately recount details of the incident to law enforcement authorities. Physically, the adrenalin rush which supercharged the body has given way to a precipitous decline in energy, and the intended victim is likely exhausted and confused. For these reasons, it is not a good idea to give legal statements regarding an attack right away, especially if the attack was terminated by the justifiable use of deadly force on your part. Rather, politely advise the police officers that you understand your rights. Then get some rest, collect your thoughts, and consult with an attorney.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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