C A S H F L O W W E A L T H Y If there - TopicsExpress


C A S H F L O W W E A L T H Y If there is one strategy in the stock market which will allow people to quit their jobs it is Writing Covered Calls. Writing Covered Calls is a way to turn the stock market into a “home-based business.” It is a “work-horse” technique to get the stock market—trading on your good investments—to produce the monthly income you need to quit your job, get out of debt, retire better and grow your wealth for now and the future. Everyone needs more income. What people don’t need is to work longer and harder. Simply put, people need to get their money working for them. And old, stale boring ways of looking at the stock market simply will not cut it. People don’t just need assets, but they need assets producing income. Income that is real, spendable and generated from a separate, independent source. Meet Wade Cook, our featured writer here on Wealth Information Network. Wade is a cabdriver from Tacoma, Washington. He learned a powerful lesson that has benefited millions. He learned and now shares his “meter drop” formula—making millions of dollars in bite-size pieces. He now shares with fellow travelers on the road to cash flow wealth his tried and proven, street-tested ways of turning the stock market into your own personal income machine—both investing and trading on one’s good investments (that is the heart of Writing Covered Calls). When you look around in the business boxing ring of life, who is in your corner? Who is there to give you unbiased advice? With stock market investing and trading, it’s like the big brokerage houses are saying, “Hey Americans, you’re not capable of understanding the stock and options market. Give us your money and for a fee we’ll manage it for you.” Then along comes Wade Cook and says, “Hold it Americans. You are smart enough. I’ll go and figure out what the billion dollar traders are doing, and then I’ll share these cash flow strategies with you.” And, of all the ways to generate monthly income, there is no better way than to Write Covered Calls. Writing Covered Calls is a way to get assets producing income, so you don’t have to. Assets producing income, even if you don’t have a lot to get started, is a way, a time-honored way, to get the stock market to produce the income you need. Of all the reasons for investing or going into business—cash flow, tax write-offs and growth- income comes first for most people. For too long investors have been sucked into purchasing investments that do not make money. Most of these investments are sold to mature long after the seller is around to answer for them. Most are sold by people who only want the commissions, without much concern for the investor’s personal needs. Growth is nice, but later. Most people don’t need tax deductions—they need more profits, more income. It is this income, made by treating the stock market like a business, which makes one’s financial world go around. Think of it: Assets Producing Income.” It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Ask yourself about the quality of your income. What do you have to do, or give up to earn it? Do you have money working as hard as you work? Again, who is in your corner helping you to get your money working the way it should work—making more money, real useable cash? Everything we do here at Wealth Information Network (especially with our flagship service, TDT (Thousand Dollar Thursday), is to help you improve the quality of your life by improving the quality of your income. It is cash flow that funds your dreams, your new business ideas, and even mundane things like bill paying, savings, and vacations. You’ve heard that knowledge is power. Maybe, but at first, knowledge is just potential. It becomes powerful with its wise application. That’s where we can help you excel. We believe in getting people excited with knowledge. Productive Knowledge, that is. Wade has written a special money report, and it’s FREE. It’s called JOB FREE INCOME. It is loaded with powerful, pertinent and timely knowledge. Click on the button nearby to get this report in your hands and your brain.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 00:51:00 +0000

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