C) BE THE CAUSE OF A TESTIMONY IN ANOTHER MAN’S LIFE. I remember during the 2014 Finance convention, pastor Chris gave out a word of knowledge that somebody’s school fees has been paid. Then I saw a lot of people excited. So I asked myself, what are they celebrating about? · Is it that someone has received fees? · or it is that they are hoping its them who have received? Both are good but can I show you something higher? There is 3rd and higher level than these two. Celebrate for someone is good but learn to celebrate because you are the one positioned to give fees to the brethren. When I hear such prophecies or word of knowledge this is what I do, I go ahead and make it happen for someone. I have gone beyond asking for something for myself. i want to locate myself as the one to bless others, because I am very grateful for all God has done already. When Pastor Chris announced of the Future African Leaders Awards [FALA], I didn’t see myself receiving an award, rather I said thank God for this revelation, then I saw myself giving out awards to young people in my country through Maestros Leadership Co. If you are always putting yourself on the receiving end you will remain a small boy. There is a higher level and it is for you to be the cause of somebody’s testimony, that is one way of expressing your gratefulness to God. When we say giving your life a meaning, what exactly do you think it means? So the question we should always ask ourselves is, whose life have I given meaning to? I REST MY CASE. (From my Article: GRATEFULNESS VIA TESTIMONY)
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:34:59 +0000

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