C: But 100m and road race are not compatible!!VK: Sir, there was - TopicsExpress


C: But 100m and road race are not compatible!!VK: Sir, there was no better participation from our hostel. So, I participated.C: Then you must have lost.VK: Sir I could finish….C: (Interrupted) Did you finish in first three places?VK: No Sir. (…Participation is more important than winning…)C: I don’t know your philosophy, Mathematics and Mythology…..so, let me ask you inCurrent Affairs….You must have been reading news paper since you startedpreparing Civil Services…So, you must have read about inflation in recentnews…what is inflation?VK: Sir, inflation is the increase in rates of commodities comparing to the rates last year same week.C: what are its indicators?VK: Sir CPI and WPI.C: What is the difference between CPI and WPI? Is it the basket or method of measurement?VK: Sir, it is the basket.C: What causes inflation?VK: Sir, there are two causes for inflation, one is on supply side and other is ondemand side?C: What is the demand side reason?VK: Sir, demand is growing up due to increase in living standards.C: But, there are still 25 crores of people living below poverty line???VK: Sir, there is an overall increase in living standards.C: OK, what is the supply side reason?VK: Sir, Supply is not meeting to the increase in demand and there are also cropfailures.C: What are the steps that government has taken?VK: Sir, recently government has increased CRR, but that only can solve the problemon demand side….C: (interrupted) What is it doing on supply side?VK: Sir, government is concentrating on agriculture to increase output. It is alsocurtailing exports of sugar to meet domestic needs…C: Is it curtailing exports of sugars?VK: Yes sir, logically it should curtail exports to alleviate inflation…C: OK, take example of wheat, what is that government doing?VK: Sir, we are importing wheat to meet domestic shortage. Then, he made eye contact with next member (M1) to proceed.M1: There is a relation between philosophy and mathematics….(pause)VK: Ma’am, Philosophy and Mathematics are both fundamental and widelyapplicable…. 121 M1: OK, let me finish my question….blah …..blah….what is the relation betweenmathematics and philosophy that can be implied from ancient literature?VK: Ma’am, there is a sloka in one of the upanisads (actually fromIsavasyopanisad….but I couldn’t recollect there). It says: Om purnamadah purnamidam purnat purnmudachchate I Purnasya purnamadaya purnmevavasisyate II Ma’am from mathmetical point of view it means: purnam means infinity. So, wheninfinity is substracted from infinity still infinity remains.From philosophical point of view it means: when infinite Brahman manifests asinfinite atman and jagat still Brahman remains infinite. Thus philosophy and mathematics inspired each other and drew inspiration fromsame source.M1: blah…blah….(she was further discussing about it.)…What is the relationbetween mythology and philosophy? What are their sources? Can you explain?VK: Ma’am, mythology is body of literature, which explains about the lives of divinepersonalities and divine incarnations. This body of literature consists of 4 vedas, 18Puranas, Ramayana & Mahabharata. Philosophy mainly derives its source fromupanisads and gita which are parts of Vedas and Mahabharata respectively. So,Ma’am, I believe that Indian Mythology and Philosophy drew from same source andalways had relationship.M1: In ancient days, we observe that lot of importance was being given to humanitiesthan the sciences. Now the priorities changed and the atrs subjects are being lookeddown…..blah….blah…why?VK: Ma’am, I believe that there is a growth of materialism. Industrilisation hasscience subjects as its base. Materialism requires science subjects to prosper.Humanities subjects caters to metaphysical aspirations of a person which are losingvalue (and further explained about it).M1: This is my last question,…you said you listen to music….what music?VK: Ma’am, when I was in IIT, I used to listen to lot of english pop songs, but now Ilisten to Old telugu and Kishore kumar songs.M1: What do you like in music?VK: Ma’am, I like melody and …. Lyrics.M1: OK, you actually listen to the song.VK: yes Ma’am.M2: Mr. Mantri! You read mythology….so, you must have read Ramamyana andMahabharata. Which one you think is more relevant to present society?VK: Sir, I think Mahabharata is more relevant to present society. Ramayana depictsabout dharma. But, Mahabharata depicts about dharma, artha, kama and moksa.M2: Mr. Mantri! Do you think kurukshetra war could have been avoided? 122 VK: Sir, I think Kurukshetra war couldn’t have been avoided. Because, the verypurpose of Krishnavatara was punishing dushta, that is killing of Kauravas and theirvicked allies. Krishna plotted everything in such a way that war happens and all theKauravas are killed.M2: Mr. Mantri! What is your opinion about Bhishma?VK: Sir, I think he is a great personality in Mahabharata.M2: Do you support him not doing anything to stop Draupathi vastrapaharana.VK: Sir, not actually. But, he is very strict to vows and he vowed to his father that he would protect and support the king of Hasthinapura. I think that is why he couldn’tdo anything to stop Draupathi vastrapahara.M2:Mr. Mantri! Do you support BCCI’s decision of capping endorsements of players?VK:Sir, I don’t support BCCI’s decision of capping endorsements of players. Theseendorsements have been there for long time. Two bad matches threw india out of world cup. This shouldn’t make BCCI take such decision. Moreover, if you takesachin as example, he spends just one day for each advirtisement and he doesn’teven do dubbing. He has a separate manager to take care of his endorsements. Ithink they should have freedom.M2: You said that you will consider civil servant job as an opportunity to alleviatenaxal problem. How do you approach to that problem?VK: Sir, The philosophy of naxalism is based on Mao philosophy. Mao asks them todo guerilla war by fish swimming. As a fish swims in water, naxal swim throughvillages and wage guerilla war. If we remove this support, then we can succeed inalleviating in naxal problem.M2: All the terrorists, militents and naxalites do fish swimming only. But how do youarrest this fish swimming?VK: Sir, we should get people’s support. There is a fear of police in people’s minds. The Police should try to remove that by more contacts with people through socialservice.M3: Mr. Vijay! You seem to be a serious guy with philosophy and mythology so on.Apart from this have you read about western philosophy?VK: Sir, I read Western Philosophy as part of Civil Service preparation.M3: So, which philosophers you liked most?VK: Sir, I like Spinoza’s theory of substance.M3: Why?VK: Sir, Spinoza’s philosophy of Substance is very much similar to the Advaitaphilosophy of Sankaracharya.M3: Have you read the philosophy of Bertrand Russel, who is a great philosopher andmathematician.VK: Yes Sir, I read his philosophy ‘Linguististic Analysis’ as part of my Civil Servicespreparation.M3: Can you explain his philosophy? 123
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 04:28:37 +0000

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