C-Span Washington Journal this morning provides PLATFORM TO ARGUE - TopicsExpress


C-Span Washington Journal this morning provides PLATFORM TO ARGUE THE WORLD IS FLAT for smug, egregiously wrong GOP shill Matt Lewis. For the media to continue to allow fallacious empty rhetoric unsupported by any empirical evidence to spew forth Teaparty/Republican slanted, skewed by Koch money jingoist crap only leads to a confused public and does not objectively create informed public opinion which is the clear (or used to be) obligation of the 4th Estate. All the talk about sides and Conservative philosophy only serves to keep the confusion going, and port and starboard are both required to keep a boat afloat. CONSERVATIVE MEANS: AGAINST SOCIAL WELFARE; AGAINST THE MIDDLE CLASS AND THE POOR; RACIST AND MISOGYNIST; AND A RIGID POSTURE AGAINST LETTING FACTS, REALITY OR AND CONCERN FOR FINDING ANY SELF-INTEREST IN THE COMMON GOOD. FURTHER, TODAY CONSERVATIVE EQUATES WITH DOMINIONISM-CHRISTIAN RECONSTRUCTIONISM AND THE CREATIONIST ZEALOT CHRISTIANS ON A 12TH CENTURY MORALIZING BIBLE THUMPING CRUSADE TO OBSTRUCT CONGRESS TO TAKE DOWN OUR DEMOCRACY TO ESTABLISH A CREATIONIST CHRISTIAN AMERICAN NATION. Congratulations C-Span for sounding professional and always being courteously silent in the face of smug liars like Matt Lewis - who does not even get that only terrorists make ransom demands like the Teapublicans during the last shutdown - and will again led by the PERSISTENTLY DISINGENUOUS DOMINIONIST CRUZ. Cruz, the terrorist leader will be back with ransom demands to celebrate the new year and the next budget showdown. the5thestate.net
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 14:06:12 +0000

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