C. THE PROMISE TO THE CHURCH AT PERGAMOS (Revelation 2:17). "He - TopicsExpress


C. THE PROMISE TO THE CHURCH AT PERGAMOS (Revelation 2:17). "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it" (Revelation 2:17). Notice that that Jesus is appealing to each of the Saints individually. This is not a message to the lost world, but it is a message to the Saints of God, to each individual in the Church. Also notice that it is to all of the Churches, plural. Each individual Saint is responsible to listen to the message Jesus is sending to them through the Written Word, and through the Holy Spirit. This message applies to us today as well. It behooves us to pay attention to what is being said in this message to the Church, located at Pergamos, in the first Century. The reward for the faithful ones, who adheres to what Jesus is teaching, and to actively follow His instruction, will be this; they will be eating of the hidden manna and they will be given a white stone. When the Saints of God go through persecution they have a special gift from God, that they may endure the punishment inflicted upon them by the world. To try to endure such cruelty alone would be impossible without recanting, but God gives the power to those whom He is asking to go through the fires of testing. It is very difficult to stand for truth when everyone around you is against you. The Saints of God have stood faithful throughout the ages and now it our turn to remain faithful. If the individual Saints will separate themselves from the main stream of thought and then believe, by faith, that the Bible is absolutely true, and follow its instructions, then God will give that individual the power to suffer whatever is placed upon them. In the Old Testament “manna” was given to the Children of Israel for food, when there was no other food available for them. Today, Jesus is the true “Manna” from Heaven (John 6:31-49). The Saints at Pergamos were concerned about their food since some were partaking of the foods offered to idols in the idol’s temple but Jesus said that He is the “Bread of Life.” Jesus will always care for us. The need for physical food is a common need that all people have and to be deprived of that necessity of life is difficult to bear. Jesus is the spiritual nourishment and the strength for the Saints of God. The Saints of God receives spiritual food from Jesus Christ (John 6:47-51). He is our First Love and when we love Him, first of all, other things take second place, even the human need for physical food. The "white stone" was a pebble that was used as a way of counting votes in an election. It is a vote that is cast with a small pebble. The literal translation would be "white pebble." This illustrates that when Jesus gives us a "white pebble" He is declaring us to be one of His own. Jesus has voted “for” us. Since Satan has no vote in Heaven, and since we were not able to vote, that leaves only Jesus as the only registered voter, and His vote is what counts. Therefore, when Jesus gives us a white pebble we are in with Him. What is done for Jesus Christ, as we walk on this earth will be rewarded. Our greatest reward is that our names are written in Heaven. We have Jesus to feed upon, spiritually speaking, and through study of the Holy Bible we can rejoice in all tribulation and trial that comes our way. May God bless your study in this precious Book of things past, present, and yet to come. We have studied the message to three of the seven Churches and we will study the Church at Thyatira next.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 09:19:42 +0000

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