C# is the language, and is the same for web development as for - TopicsExpress


C# is the language, and is the same for web development as for anything else. Youll need a strong foundation in the language for serious web work, including: Expresions, types, variables, Operators, castiing Control Statements - loops, switch, if Namespaces Methods Exception handling Properties Enums Overloading Collections & arrays Using attributes Classes, objects, interfaces, inheritence, constructors, encapsulation, polymorphism A good understanding of events You may not need in depth understanding of: Reflection Generics Delegates Threading Linq Lambda expressions However, C# itself will be the least of your worries. Youll also need: Foundational HTML and CSS Basic OO principles Know-how about your data store: many people use SQL Server or some other RDBMS (so need SQL, ADO.Net as well as knowing how to set up the server). To know your way around the IDE To be able to set up solutions, projects, references, imports To be able to build, run and deploy your code Some javascript(?) Then there is the asp.net stuff itself The event model Session / state management (viewstate, session state) Basic controls Configuring IIS Directives () Configuration How to structure the project
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 14:24:06 +0000

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