CABINET MINISTERS DEFER SALARY INCREMENT Cabinet Ministers and Deputy Ministers have joined His Excellency Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, President of the Republic of Malawi and Vice President Hon. Saulos Chilima in deferring the implementation of the proposed salary increments until the economy recovers. Minister of Finance and Economic Planning Development, Goodall Gondwe made the announcement on Thursday afternoon at the Ministrys offices in Lilongwe. Gondwe who was accompanied by Minister of Information, Tourism and Culture, Kondwani Nankhumwa, said there will be no question of arrears and it should be considered as total cancellation as it stands at the moment. It is very difficult to say when exactly the economy will be back on track. Everything on the normalisation of our economy is being done on projections. It is high time we put a strong system in place. A system that will reduce and end fraud and corruption. It should not be business as usual, explained Gondwe. The Finance Minister further said the successes that will be celebrated in future is dependant on the reforms that the government is doing at the moment. Gondwe added: We need to change our way of doing things in the civil service. Civil servants with similar qualifications and positions should receive the same salaries regardless of their respective ministries. The President earlier last week deferred the salary increment in solidarity with Malawians, who are presently undergoing very tough economic hardship. President Mutharika and his Government pledge to continue working tirelessly to bring the confidence of the country’s development partners back into the economy and improve the living standards of ordinary Malawians.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 15:44:25 +0000

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