CADDOG EXECUTIVE POST Thank you everyone for your comments and - TopicsExpress


CADDOG EXECUTIVE POST Thank you everyone for your comments and input. There are a number of different views about the dog park, some positive and some negative. We would like everyone to please understand that this park is a work-in-progress, as are the methods by which complaints and safety issues are handled. Years of time and effort were put into finally getting a town-approved park, so please be patient as the administration of this park is constantly evolving and will take time and constructive input from park users to get it right. We discussed this at our last CADDOG member meeting and came up with some ideas as to how situations like this should be handled. Nothing has been decided on yet, but clearly it is an important part of how the park is run, and so will definitely be at the top of our next meeting agenda. I don’t want to become part of the barrage of messages that have been posted recently, and I’m not going to comment on the specific details of the situation that started all of this, but there are a few things that we’d like to address to our park users. Many people are questioning why we need an organization for the park, and why there are dues to belong to this organization. I think that the recent posts are a clear indication as to why CADDOG is necessary. Whose responsibility is it to make sure that the park is a happy and wonderful place for people to bring their pets? If not for the CADDOG organization there would be nobody to ensure that people’s comments and voices are being heard. There are 4 of us on the executive, who all have full-time jobs and families and we volunteer our time to help brainstorm and liase with the town to try and make the park a better place to be. Please remember, we are people just like you who enjoy spending time with our dogs, and the park allows us the freedom to let them run free. It’s not perfect, but we are working on it and trying to address the issues that have arisen. We are more than happy to listen to the comments and views of others, and that’s why membership to CADDOG is so important. If you want to help us make the park a positive and happy place to be, then voicing your opinions and working together with the rest of us toward a common purpose is the best way to do it. Unfortunately, complaining about things on Facebook isn’t going to have your voice heard by the people who can actually make change. A number of people have said that they won’t even visit the park because it seems like a very unhappy place to be. That’s terribly unfortunate because it’s not true. A number of the “bad” posts on facebook don’t even come from people who visit the park. They are commenting about something that they don’t even use, so how true and valid are the remarks being made? I don’t want to inject my personal opinion into this, but I do want to say that complaining and negativity will not help us to move forward with progress. It stagnates the process of change and gets those involved in a negative mindset that propagates hateful comments and unfair accusations and assumptions. I urge you all to think about what a well-run and properly managed dog park would look like to you and how you and your family can benefit from it. If this is something that you can be excited about, then please, stop with focusing on the negative aspects and start focusing on helping us to make some positive changes. The 4 on the executive cannot do it alone and without the input of the people who are using the park. We appreciate the input and assistance that we get from our many members, and we would love to see more of you make the decision to add your voices to the proper development of the park. Let’s stop focusing on the bad and instead make an effort to create change for the better. As I said, this is all a work-in progress and we need your help and input to make it a safe and fabulous place for all of us. The CADDOG Executive
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 02:19:50 +0000

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