CAGING THE CRITICS OF CHRISTMAS As the golden lights - TopicsExpress


CAGING THE CRITICS OF CHRISTMAS As the golden lights of Christmas begin to brighten the various nooks and crannies of the world, I guess the time is right to muzzle those ministers of crisis always exploiting the Christmas season to masquerade as messengers of Christ. Or what exactly does one call a bunch of rabble-rousers whose sadistic delight consists in constantly trying to poison the season by campaigning against celebrating the birth of the Messiah on a certain date? Can we say one belongs to God who takes pleasure in discouraging others from appreciating God and hallowing His name, under the guise of finicky concerns about accuracy of dates? If they claim Christ wasnt born on December 25 (well, they may be right) wouldnt it be more reasonable for them to provide us with an EXACT date? Or are we altogether expected to pretend that this birth was in no way phenomenal? That these killjoys are merely acting out some diabolic script is obvious, considering the potential outcome of their perennial outrage. Which season of the year is as wonderful or colourful as the Christmas season? What time of the year is as joyous or glorious? The infectious gladness that pervades the world and serenades individual lives and families at Christmas is matchless in description. Isnt that what these party-poopers are depressed about and desperate to destroy with their annual mumbo- jumbo? What if Christmas actually originated from a pagan festival? SO WHAT? What better way to show righteous devotion than turning peoples attention from dead gods and meaningless rituals to the living God and the miraculous story of the redemption of mankind? What better way to proclaim the superiority of the Almighty than displacing satanic traditions and replacing them with Messianic renditions? Frankly, these modern day Pharisees have no rational argument, other than to execute a sinister agenda, part of which is to give enemies of Christianity more avenues to attack the religion as one founded on fables and fakery. Otherwise, why waste precious time every year, digging up dubious data to show why people should not rejoice? In what ways does such exertion make anyones life better? And if you claim youre merely trying to enlighten, then I ask, of what use is enlightenment that shackles rather than liberate, that dampens peoples spirits rather than elevate them? Or if the argument is about the excesses of a few unscrupulous individuals who use the sacred season for sordid reasons, shall we then destroy the essence because of the excess? Shall we throw the precious baby away with its nauseous bathwater? I dont need any ghastly homily on the origins of modern Christmas celebrations. Its enough for me to know that God allows for anyone to choose to make any day sacred as they deem fit, provided such a day is used for His own glory (see Romans 14:5-6). So, whether I choose to specially celebrate the birth of my Saviour on January 5, June 15 or December 25 (in addition to that which I do daily) is nobodys business. If youre frustrated about this, go see an exorcist. To the rest, I say, MERRY CHRISTMAS in advance!
Posted on: Mon, 16 Dec 2013 08:41:18 +0000

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