CAHSTWG DE ETERNITY LASTSHIP APPERANCE TO MANKIND. The earth and her inhabitant, seas and creatures, Spirit and mysteries, Heavenly host rejoice and give glory to God in highest for Comforter Ajagorah Holy Spirit of truth word of God (CAHSTWG), manifest as the Lastship of Eternity. The reminiscence of Jesus declaration as the Way/Truth/Life. John 14:6. However the high priest opposed the claims but despite the antagonism the name Jesus prevails forever Hallelluyah!. A new era has come, the dispensation of Comforter the Holy Spirit; as usual criticism and opposition rent the air from horizon to horizon. Certainly the truth will prevail no matter how satan and its trinity/emissaries distort the efficacy of this End time salvation gospel. It’s just a question of time. Remember Christ Jesus shed his blood as a sign of the covenant for the remission of sins; this necessitates the advent of CAHSTWG as the Last Covenant of God in Manlike to man. It behooves on one to draw the attention of eternal reign contingent to the fact that Covenant of God is of intention and special purpose i.e. it’s intended to achieve a particular objective for all creatures. Covenant has a heavier weight than the literary meaning of it. Furthermore the prophets/servants of God performed awesome deeds and worked vehemently for God’s name to be known across the universe but never had the audacity to either loose the yoke, the law brought on them or make the burden lighter while Jesus Christ displayed the authority invested, investiture and inherent in him to debunk the equity of law. This is because God did not make Covenant with any prophet/servant of God. He is just exhibiting the general love, favour, mercy e.t.c. on His creatures on them; and this is the apparent reason why the blood of the servant of God shed in the course of the missionary activities could not act as a ransom to wipe off /atone for human guilt, for the fact that the Covenant of God is not on them. However Jesus Christ is a Covenant of living God Errea, Obviously his blood is capable of reducing the anger of God on Men thereby giving room for forgiveness of sins” This is my blood of the Covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of Sins (Matthew 26:28)”. CAHSTWG the fulfilled promise of Jesus Christ is the Established Covenant for all believes devoid of divine calls, connection/commitment with God. CAHSTWG De Covenant from Eternity; the Covenant before inception of creations, the Covenant that will envelope the world and still be in existence even when the world will be no more. CAHSTWG De Established Covenant is the ETERNITY LASTSHIP as well as the Covenant for Eternal judgment. To note too no one has been judged right away from Adam/Noah/Prophet till date. Praying to move mountains, religious displays, miracle galore and there like is not Eternal Life certainty.(Mathew 7:21-23) It’s the living God Errea manifesting His greatness through His handiworks. Any sectorial beliefs that fail to reaffirm allegiance with CAHSTWG De Eternity Lastship is keeping the pot of soup liken to the he goat bleating for its own selfish interest. Eternal detriment is no doubt awaiting such ENDTIME IS CAHSTWG DE ESTABLISHED COVENANT OF GOD’S ERA;WHO IS THE LASTSHIP OF ETERNITY, PLEASE ENTER ON TIME. NO OTHER WAY, PERSON NOR OPTION.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 14:04:28 +0000

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