CALEO FANFICTION PART 7! Only one more part to go. Tell me how you - TopicsExpress


CALEO FANFICTION PART 7! Only one more part to go. Tell me how you like it! 5 likes for the next part! If anything Calypso looked even more beautiful than the last time that Leo had seen her. Or at least that was what he thought. He laughed as she tried to pull him up out of the wet sand, apologizing over and over again. He was soaked, so he held out a hand warning Calypso to stand back, concentrated, holding his breath, and set himself on fire. Bam, his clothes were dry. It was nice to have a built-in drying mechanism. Now he hugged her -- tightly. “Leo.” She whispered into his damp hair. “You came back.” “I promised, didn’t I?” “I didn’t think it was possible.” “Aphrodite wanted me to. She ships us or something…” “She what’s us?” “Don’t worry about it. But I’m here now. That’s what counts. How’re things?”. “Oh it’s been so exciting around here. Seriously, I’ve been so busy lately I haven’t been sure what to do. The whole island is teeming with excitement.” She deadpanned. “Well prepare for things to get even more excited. ‘Cause Hot Stuff is here.” She crinkled her nose. “Are you staying here?” “What, don’t you want me to?” “What about your friends? What about the bug quest you had to finish?” “Finished. And...well...I want...I want to be with my friends too, but I’m not leaving you here.” “Yeah, well, Percy tried to get me off of here and the gods didn’t listen to him..” Then it hit Leo. His wish. Aphrodite. What if he used her offer, only backwards? What if he made Calypso mortal so she could come to Camp Half-Blood? Would she give up immortality for him? Or for leaving the island? That was a lot to ask. “Calypso…see...that big quest that we just finished? It was a pretty big deal. We kind of saved the world and all, so the gods are letting us (my friends and I) each have a request.” Her eyes widened. “They’ll give you anything?” “Anything.” She opened her mouth and then closed it. Leo could tell what she wanted to ask, but she was too nervous. His heart twinged. He just liked her so dang much. “What are you going to ask for?” She whispered. “I...I wanted to ask you about that. Would you...would you want to come with me to my camp. The one I was telling you about? Camp Half-Blood?” Her face darkened. “I already told you...Zeus won’t let me. It’s my punishment.” “I’ll make it my request. They can’t deny me. Percy didn’t follow through.” His voice dropped. “I will. I made it back, didn’t I?” She frowned, but then took his hand. Her hand was warm and soft in Leo’s. Softer than Leo’s forge-hardened skin. He looked at it in shock. He was actually holding her hand. “Are you coming, Silly?” Calypso asked, smiling now. “Where-where are we going?” He’d only been up by Calypso’s garden once or twice. Once when he was wandering around before she’d kicked him out and once when he was fixing her broken fountain. It was even more beautiful at night, when the moonlace shown like fluorescence and the sweet scents gathered in pools in the shadows. “Do you like it?” She asked, then he noticed that she was pointing at a specific flower, newly planted in the very center of the garden. A red flower. Glowing red, with orange flames licking the petals. “Is it for me?” She nodded, her green eyes glistening under the moon. “A Team Leo flower. I love it.” He turned to her. “I love--” He was stopped short when she leaned in and kissed him. “Thank you. Thank you for coming back.” She murmured. The next morning Leo was sure that he had done the right thing. And that he would literally force Zeus to make things work out if he had to. He was sort of a desperate. Calypso had told him that she would give up her immortality if she could go to Long Island with New York. It’s what she had wanted anyway. So he wasn’t surprised when the magical raft showed up mid morning after a delicious breakfast of french toast. Or...Ogygia toast. Leo whooped and shot down the dunes, Caypso running after him laughing. Leo stepped aboard, then held out a hand to Calypso. “Ready?” “If you’re with me.” “Forever.” A half hour later, the raft docked on Mount Olympus. (Leo had no idea how it worked and he wasn’t sure he wanted to know). But he did know that his friends were there. Percy and Annabeth gaped at him in astonishment as he showed up with the most beautiful girl in the world at the big party on Olympus. And by party, Leo meant party. Calypso froze when she saw Percy, her blood draining out of her face as she took him in, older, stronger, taller than he had been two years ago, and with his arm draped lovingly over Annabeth’s shoulder. No doubt she had been certain that she never would see him again. A strange feeling rose up in Leo and he had to check his anger against Percy. It wasn’t all his fault. He had to leave to beat Kronos. Percy was just staring at her, incredulous. Like she was a phantom from Tartarus. “Percy?” Annabeth asked, wondering what was happening and who the nymph was. “Hey. Long time no see. How’d you get home so soon?” Leo asked. “Ran into Aeolus and he gave us another bag of winds.” Annabeth answered questioningly. “This is Calypso.” Leo explained, and Percy unfroze. He held his right hand out. “Nice to see you Calypso...again.” “Again?” Annabeth asked questioningly. She knew the myth about Calypso. Leo could practically see the wheels turning in her head as she immediately figured out when Percy had seen Calypso. Leo couldn’t believe Percy had never told her before. Calypso’s grip tightened on Leo’s arm, but just then Zeus showed up. He looked first at Calypso and then Leo. Then he laughed. “You heroes. You’re so funny. I already know what your request will be. Well then go. Calypso you are free from your imprisonment and your immortality. Thank you for your service to Olympus, Leo.” Leo grinned at Calypso? “Come with me?” She grinned back. “Forever.” ~WindyCityReader
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 02:01:02 +0000

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