CALIFORNIA Action Alert! GE Food Labeling Bill SB1381 Introduced - TopicsExpress


CALIFORNIA Action Alert! GE Food Labeling Bill SB1381 Introduced by Senator Noreen Evans! (GE, genetically engineered, also called GMO, genetically modified organism) Suit back up, Californians! Shouting out to every CALIFORNIAN who eats food to get back in the game…please call, snail mail or email your Senator and Assemblymember to Co-Author and vote YES! and push for the passage of a new CA GE Food Labeling bill SB 1381 (Senator Noreen Evans). This bill would mandate the labeling of GE foods and seed offered for retail sale in California. The text of the bill can be seen here: CA State SB 1381 GE Food Labeling Bill or Authored by Senator Noreen Evans! California Prop 37 sparked a groundswell of GE Labeling Bills introduced across the nation, to provide us with what 64 other nations already have, and our federal government has denied Americans…a clear label on GE foods. Big Food/Big Ag spent $47 MILLION to narrowly defeat Prop 37 by less than3% points in 2012. They invest lots of $$$ to build and solidify opposition within our legislature, buy favorable media coverage, and spread misinformation to scare voters, to keep their obscene profits intact. Because Big Food/Big Ag is working on a federal bill to forever deny GE food labeling for all Americans in every state, it is urgent that we must pass CA State SB1381 GE food labeling bill in this 2014 legislative session! Together, let’s knock this bill out of the park, to make California the first state to enact a GMO labeling law with no strings attached! We deserve the right to know if our food has been genetically engineered…we have unanswered questions about GE food safety and environmental impact, and what it’s doing to our kids. HOW TO TAKE ACTION: A. Find your Assemblymember and Senator is: When you call or email: 1. State your name, address, and that you are a constituent of the Assemblymember. 2. Ask: Will co-author and Vote YES on 2014 GE Food Labeling bill SB1381 ? (Note answers and please report them to us) 3. “Elevator Pitch” points are below to explain why we need GE/GMO food labeling. *********************************************** ELEVATOR PITCH for CA GE/GMO Food Labeling Bill SB1381 • I’m one of your constituents, a Californian, and I’m one of the 93% of Americans who want to know if my food has been genetically engineered. Will you co-author and Vote YES on bill SB1381 GE Food Labeling Bill? • 64 countries around the world -- including the EU, China, Russia, and Japan -- label GE/GMO FOODs. WHY ISN’T America one of them? • 1996: GE/GMOs were introduced into the U.S. food supply by the biotech industry without adequate testing for human health risks and weve been eating them without labeling them ever since. • The FDA says foods that have been genetically engineered are as safe as conventional foods and dont require any special labeling. • The biotech industry and big food companies have been fighting with millions of advertising and lobbying dollars to keep American consumers in the dark. • But many scientists disagree. • NYT poll showed 93% of Americans want GE/GMOs labeled. • Independent feeding studies on rats, pigs, and human breast cancer cells show cause for concern and there are documented environmental hazards associated with farming GE/GMOs. • The herbicide most commonly sprayed on GMO crops -- Roundup -- has been shown to have toxic effects on human health. • But without labels there is no traceability, no accountability, no liability. • Labels will give us Americans the information we need to opt out from being biotech guinea pigs and to choose for ourselves what we eat and feed our families. • The FDA wont label GE/GMOs, so state governments must give us citizens the right to know whats in our food. PLEASE report back to us what you learn: jessica@denningfamily and SHARE THIS WITH EVERY CALIFORNIAN YOU KNOW WHO EATS FOOD! Subscribe: Californians for GE Food Labeling Coalition, Label GE/GMOs grassroots, and California State Grange call on CA legislators to Co-Author, and vote YES in support and passage of CA State 2014 GE Food Labeling Bill SB 1381! Visit our TAKE ACTION page and find out how you can help.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 07:42:52 +0000

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