CALL FOR LABOUR AND TORY LEADERS TO STEP IN AND END ‘CHILDISH BEHAVIOUR’ OF ABERDEEN ADMINISTRATION Aberdeen Donside MSP Mark McDonald has written to the leaders of Labour and the Tories calling on them to bring their Aberdeen councillors into line after their bizarre attempts to ban Scottish Government Ministers from council premises. The letters to Johann Lamont and Ruth Davidson make clear that the ban is “anti-democratic” and calls on them to “put an end to this childish behaviour”. A poll being run by Aberdeen’s Evening Express currently shows that over 90% of respondents are opposed to what Willie Young is trying to do. Commenting, SNP MSP Mark McDonald said: “While it is clear that this stunt was entirely designed to deflect attention away from the £7.3 million increased funding for Aberdeen that Willie Young voted against, the Labour-Tory alliance is reducing the council to a laughing stock with this anti-democratic behaviour. It is time their party leaderships intervened to put a stop to this. “Johann Lamont and Ruth Davidson cannot sit back and allow their councillors to run amok in this fashion. “The behaviour of Councillor Young – a member of Johann Lamont’s Devolution Commission - is becoming increasingly bizarre, and the fact the Tories are lining up behind him must surely be causing their party leadership some considerable discomfort. The Tories sole councillor in Glasgow, Cllr David Meikle, has accused the Labour group in Aberdeen of having lost the plot on this matter - yet the Tories are backing Labour up! “The council administration is bringing the city into disrepute, if they will not see sense and behave like grown-ups then their party leaders must bring them into line.”
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 13:32:51 +0000

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