CALL FOR PAPERS “TWISTED INTERSECTIONS: RACE, GENDER, AND RELIGION” THE KOINONIA FORUM PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NJ FRIDAY, APRIL 17 – SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 On behalf of Koinonia, an organization of doctoral candidates at Princeton Theological Seminary, the Koinonia Forum calls for papers on “Twisted Intersections: Race, Gender, and Religion.” The purpose of the Koinonia Forum is to provide a platform for the discussion of issues of scholarly interest. The 2015 Koinonia Forum will address: The twisted ways in which race, gender, and religion have been practiced, theorized, preached, and constructed. Many argue that our modern society exists in a tunnel of noise - a constant background of prominent and privileged sound that drowns out all other voices, muting their messages, and rendering all within deaf to difference. This is saliently apparent in our own theological institutions - the voices who want to bring awareness to the problems that occur at the crossroads of race, gender, and religion are simultaneously ignored, overpowered, and caricatured. This forum seeks to generate awareness of these twisted intersections, where racial and gender discrimination continue to plague the academy and churches broadly, and theological institutions specifically. Convinced that a robust and open analysis of the aforementioned issues is necessary to achieve reconciliation and transformation, this forum issues a clarion call to the oft-neglected and muted voices of our diverse community and we invite papers that address either and/or both themes. How have theology and religious studies contributed to race and gender blindness that perpetuate these problems? What resources do we find in theology and religious studies to address them? We seek graduate participants (both master’s and doctoral level) who will address this topic from a wide variety of disciplinary perspectives. Please submit the proposed title of your paper with a 150-word limit abstract and a 750-1000 word paper topic to [email protected] by February 15, 2015. Please include your name, institution, and email contact information. Notification of acceptance and subsequent request for full papers, not to exceed 2500 words, will be issued by March 1, 2015.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 23:56:40 +0000

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