CALL HUD TODAY! Tell Them To Stop Selling Our Neighborhoods To - TopicsExpress


CALL HUD TODAY! Tell Them To Stop Selling Our Neighborhoods To Wall Street! The fight to stop our own government from selling off our neighborhoods to Wall Street is on. More than 11,000 people joined you in signing the petition to tell the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to stop selling our neighborhoods to Wall Street. Last week, community groups delivered your petitions and rallied at 11 HUD offices around the country! See pictures of our actions on Sept. 9th here! Residents of Atlanta and Occupy Our Homes Atlanta show how HUD and Wall Street are gambling with our homes through a game of craps outside their offices. Your actions sent HUD officials scrambling to respond in the press. But they can’t explain why they are turning over homes to Wall Street corporations that are not interested in keeping people in their homes or creating affordable housing. Here’s the problem: HUD is planning to do it again in two weeks. On September 30th, HUD plans to sell another $2.3 billion worth of “distressed mortgages” to the highest bidder--which means more thousands more families’ futures will be sold off to vulture capitalists, losing the chance to save their homes. Can you call HUD Secretary Julian Castro right now? Call (202) 708-0417 and tell him: “Stop selling our neighborhoods to Wall Street. Stop sales through the ‘Distressed Assets’ program and uphold HUD’s mission by protecting struggling homeowners and working with community development groups that can help save our homes.” Please tell us what happens when you call. We are not surprised to see Wall Street bankers profiting off the misery they caused in the first place. But it’s appalling that this pillaging of our communities is being advanced by the one department in our Federal government charged with stabilizing communities and creating affordable housing. This has to stop. Now--before more families homes are sold on Sept 30th. Also, of you have not yet, please sign our petition to HUD. We need to keep the pressure on and keep our numbers growing, so HUD will answer our demands. Take Action Please call HUD Secretary Julian Castro at (202) 708-0417 and tell him: “Stop selling our neighborhoods to Wall Street.” Click here to report your call. “We have already seen what unchecked corporate greed can do to communities,” said Gisele Mata, a California home defender who rallied outside the Los Angeles HUD office. “Many of us are still fighting to keep our homes and stay in the communities we love after the harm done by Wall Street. The federal government has a responsibility to protect our right to housing—not to help sell our homes to the highest bidder.” Please call HUD Secretary Julian Castro at (202) 708-0417 and tell him: “Stop selling our neighborhoods to Wall Street.” On the day of the rallies across the country, the Center for Popular Democracy and the Right To The City Alliance released a report, Vulture Capital Hits Home: How HUD is Helping Wall Street and Hurting Our Communities that details how the HUD Distressed Asset Stabilization Program (DASP) hurts communities when it auctions pools of loans to firms like Blackstone that helped create the housing crisis. The report details how the program could be fixed to protect communities, work with non-profits and preserve homes. But HUD will only make the changes if they hear from you. And we have less than 2 weeks to stop the madness. Please call HUD Secretary Julian Castro at (202) 708-0417 and tell him: “Stop selling our neighborhoods to Wall Street.” Thanks for standing up for our communities, Rachel LaForest, Executive Director, Right to the City Alliance Brian Kettenring, Co-Director, Action for the Common Good Kevin Whelan, Campaign Director, Home Defenders League P.S. Here’s the bottom line: HUD plans to sell of thousands more families futures to Wall Street, with no protections for homeowners, in less that two weeks. Please call Secretary Castro now at (202) 708-0417 and tell him “Stop the Sept 30th auction.” Right To The City Alliance / [email protected] 388 Atlantic Ave, 2nd Fl / Brooklyn, NY 11217 Facebook Flickr Tumblr Twitter YouTube Make sure you receive Right to the City email updates. Add [email protected] to your approved senders list. Click here to unsubscribe from the Right to the City email list.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:20:27 +0000

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