CALL TO ACTION : THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY. This is an ongoing - TopicsExpress


CALL TO ACTION : THINK GLOBALLY, ACT LOCALLY. This is an ongoing online event to gather warriors for mother earth from all over cyberspace !!! A GATHERING OF WARRIORS ! PLEASE post YOUR mission, fb group, page, petition. please scroll down the event page to see others missions & direct action, then please share them . ALL WARRIORS ARE ASKED TO ADD IN [invite] THEIR OWN CIRCLE OF WARRIORS TO THIS EVENT. we want to encourage people to become more active in defending gaia/mother earth, by seeking UNITY OF CAUSE online. DIRECT ACTION is needed urgently to save our Mother. please share any direct action, boycott, or protest event . ♥ We have created this network with a goal to find a way back to nature again and try to live a more sustainable way of life, and to acheive UNITY so that we can more effectively defend mother earth from the assaults against her by governments without conscience, and greedy mega-corporations. We need to work both globally and locally . Mission Statements : We follow the laws of nature We reject the economic , social, and hierarchial systems that our civilization is built upon We think that we need to expand our family to include all species We have an ecological view, and seek immediate resolutions We are looking for a more resource-based economy where we don’t take more than we give We believe in small scale business and we reject the multicorporative companies We are looking for a more holistic way to live our lives We study all forms of nature-based philosophies around the world We support the rights of all indigenous cultures of the world We desire to gather a new tribe with a vision to follow and listen to Gaia , Mother Earth. This is the eleventh hour and now is the time ... we are running out of species - plants and animals . When they are gone they wont return, so we don’t get a second chance . our planet is under assault in all regions from governments without conscience and greedy corporations. We have an obligation to make every effort to save mother earth and all beings we share her with ! THERE IS NO PLANET B. ******************** FELLOW WARRIORS ORGS & SITES , FB PAGES/GROUPS INVOLVED IN THIS GATHERING : PLANETARY GUARDIAN WARRIORS – FB PAGE https://facebook/pages/Planetary-Guardian-Warriors/247951651895102 MARY PERRY *** ~ Vegan Love ~ One Heart, One Soul, One Mind ~ https://facebook/VeganLoveOneHeartOneSoulOneMind LAILA AFSOON & MARY PERRY *** Gorilla Warriors [facebook page] https://facebook/pages/Gorilla-Warriors/315607495252225 *** Orangutans and Gorillas - SAVE THEM NOW [facebook page] https://facebook/pages/Orangutans-Gorillas-SAVE-THEM-NOW/1401523806733717 *** TAKE ACTION TO SAVE OUR OCEANS - [fb page] https://facebook/ActionToSaveOurOceans Mary Perry *** STOP LAB TORTURES - [fb page] https://facebook/StopLabTortures Mary Perry *** WARRIORS OF ALL REALMS - W.A.R. [ SECRET GROUP ] https://facebook/groups/warriorsofallrealms/ Mary Perry *** GAIA : EARTH FORCE UNITED COALITION (EFUC) facebook/group.php?gid=2460153036&ref=mf KEITH MICHAEL VARADY *** AMAZON FORESTS AWARENESS [ secret group ] - message MARY PERRY if youd like to join. *** SLAVERY TODAY care2/c2c/group/dmrv CARE2 CAUSE https://facebook/pages/Slavery-Today/100890593320586?sk=wall FB PAGE care2/news/member/616982338/3138577 PETITION VIVIEN GREEN *** WORLD HOMELESS ACTION DAY 10-10 https://facebook/groups/252124162444 KATHY LYNN KIZELEWICZ-BAILEY *** MAASAI / SAMBURU ONLINE SCHOOL – PLEASE POST INTO THIS OPEN FB GROUP ... ANY FUN, EDUCATIONAL, CONSERVATION, NATURE, OCEAN, …etc… VIDEOS, PICS, OR ARTICLES ... for the isolated clans of the MARA region of AFRICA [ Kenya, Tanzania , ... practically EVERY CLAN has someone with an IPHONE] https://facebook/groups/155327957868768/ MARY PERRY & PATRIZIA SEVERESE *** WOMEN AGAINST CRUELTY - [ secret group ] – message DEB if you’d like to join . DEB MASSEY – administrator / founder *** *** ‘’ INDIGENOUS’’ STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS – OPEN FB GROUP https://facebook/groups/252459643774/10150648976013775/ *** TAKING BACK SOUTH AFRICA 2011: WORLDWIDE REVOLUTION https://facebook/groups/FREE.SA/ PRESS RELEASE : https://facebook/note.php?note_id=237419466338867 JOE HANI *** RAINSONG FELLOW PLANETARY GUARDIANS [secret group ] - message MARY PERRY if you’d like to join . *** PLANETARY GUARDIAN WARRIORS - [OPEN GROUP] petitions site https://facebook/groups/288914351157777/?fref=ts MARY PERRY *** ** SAVING THE OCEANS FOR OUR CHILDREN https://facebook/savingtheoceansforourchildren *** ALBATROSS anti Plastic Pollution ActionProjekt 2012-2020 – OPEN GROUP facebook/groups/226851730667315/ MANFRED REICHER * ALBATROSS ANTI PLASTIC POLLUTION FB PAGE https://facebook/GOTOALBATROSSNOPLASTICPOLLUTION *** WORLDWIDE ANIMAL RIGHTS https://facebook/groups/152840341475792/ LYNN GREENHUT *** Esdaw - European Society of Dog and Animal Welfare. https://facebook/pages/Esdaw-European-Society-of-Dog-and-Animal-Welfare/162090127175643 PIA BERREND *** ANTHONY MARRS GLOBAL ANTI-HUNTING COALITION - FB GROUP ... https://facebook/groups/229485478349/ *** SAVE THE SERENGETI FB PAGE : ‘’ CLICK ‘LIKE’ TO SAVE THE SERENGETI NATIONAL PARK ‘’ [in AFRICA] https://facebook/SaveSerengeti BRIAN SANDBERG & MIKE RAINY *** MAASAI WARRIORS WILDLIFE RANGERS [ secret group ] - message MARY PERRY if you’d like to join . MARY PERRY & BONFACE KABERERE *** ONE MILLION PEOPLE WHO THINK FUR IS NOT FASHION https://facebook/OneMillionPeopleWhoThinkFurIsNotFashion *** MILLION PERSON MARCH FOR WOLVES FB GROUP https://facebook/groups/196072203839288/206684179444757/?__adt=5&__att=iframe LINDA CAMAC *** ACTION AGAINST PUPPY FARMS/MILLS WORLDWIDE [PETITIONS] https://facebook/groups/actionagainstpupmillsworldwide/ MARY PERRY *** *** END WILDLIFE ELECTROCUTIONS IN COSTA RICA – OPEN FB GROUP https://facebook/groups/131978196813647/ MARY PERRY *** STOP GRINDING UP LIVE ANIMALS – FB PAGE https://facebook/pages/Stop-Grinding-Up-LIVE-Animals/158274694266935 LAILA AFSOON & MARY PERRY *** UNITE FOR WORLD PEACE – OPEN FB GROUP for sharing good news of VICTORIES in the battle to save our Mother , inspirational and enlightening posts, happy & fun stuff … https://facebook/groups/119814408082042/ MARY PERRY & PATRIZIA SEVERESE *** PRAYER WARRIORS FOR MOTHER EARTH join us for inspiring stories, posters, & quotes ... OPEN FB GROUP [ we are not religious, we are spiritual ] https://facebook/groups/358830687506647/ MARY PERRY *** RAINSONG WILDLIFE SANCTUARY COSTA RICA https://facebook/pages/Rainsong-Wildlife-Sanctuary-Costa-Rica/141821105847000 MARY PERRY *** THERE IS NO PLANET ‘B’ FB PAGE https://facebook/pages/THERE-IS-NO-PLANET-B/237803606253665 MIEMS WILSON *** ANIMAL RESCUE HELPER FB PAGE facebook/AnimalRescueHelper KATELLA TING *** FREE ME WILDLIFE SANCTUARY S.A. https://facebook/pages/FreeMe-Wildlife-Rehabilitation-Centre/141332725877647 WEBSITE PAM KRYZA *** EARTH BEAT ECHO - FB GROUP https://facebook/groups/182741528442193/ PAM KRYZA & MARK KINGSMILL *** COMPASSION_NATION https://facebook/groups/303365909751372/ HITU CHANDRA *** Wolf Advocacy [GROUP] SAVE OUR WOLVES!! https://facebook/groups/287876111335872/?fref=ts Mary Wolfe *** ABUSED ANIMALS – HELP US https://facebook/home.php?sk=group_201396146541210&ap=1 HUMANS IN NEED https://facebook/home.php?sk=group_154609141259115&ap=1 ***
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 20:42:21 +0000

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