CALL TO THE COMMUNITY ** FUNDRAISER ** CHRISTMAS TREE IN LITTLE HAITI. The Haitian American Forum (HAF) in partnership with the Haitian Senior Stars Solidarity Group, Inc. are asking the community to help them to erect a Christmas Tree in LITTLE HAITI at the Toussaint Louverture Park located at the corner of 62nd Street and North Miami Ave. The goal is to maintain the holiday traditions in the neighborhood by creating a series of cultural activities. This initiative aligns with many efforts to preserve the Little Haiti area as a Haitian historic and cultural hub; From the battle of Savannah in 1779 to the first immigrants in Miami 50 years ago, the contribution of Haitians in the development of the United States of America is undeniable. As the City of Miami is driven by its diverse cultural expression, this neighborhood could become a touristic destination and thus generating a sustainable economy by strengthening the Haitian culture and heritage. The Christmas Tree Initiative mainly targets local families, residents and business owners who will enjoy the spirit of the holiday season through different events. It will also promote and attract Miami’s tourists as well as the greater Haitian-American community of South Florida. As a partner of this project, your organization will be acknowledged in all signage, marketing materials, media interviews and promotion. You can contribute with monetary or in-kind donations. For further information, send an email to thelarmg@gmail.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 23:50:43 +0000

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