CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN, CONGRESSMAN TOM GRAVES (202-225-5211), CALL YOUR CONGRESSMAN THROUGH THE HOUSE SWITCHBOARD (202-224-3121). INFORM THEM THAT HE/SHE MUST VOTE AGAINST THE OMNIBUS SPENDING BILL, A VOTE FOR THE OMNIBUS IS A VOTE FOR AMNESTY! NumbersUSA MEDIA RESPONSE JEREMY BECK Without defund language, the spending package is a vote for amnesty. Michael, A vote to fund the executive amnesty is a vote for the executive amnesty. Thats the message Congress and the country needs to hear in the hours leading up to a vote on House GOP spending bills that would give the White House the money it needs to implement its executive amnesty. Spread the word in all of your activism this week! Share the links, quotes, and excerpts below. The GOP leaderships spending package (as currently constructed) would enable: The IRS to use billions of tax dollars to issue tax credits to unlawfully amnestied aliens; The Social Security Administration to use tax dollars to issue Social Security numbers to unlawfully amnestied aliens, qualifying them for benefits; The Department of Health and Human Services to use tax dollars to enroll unlawfully amnestied aliens in Medicare; and The Department of Justice to use tax dollars to defend the Presidents unconstitutional amnesty against court challenges. This plan forces candidates who ran against President Obamas executive amnesty to break their campaign promises. Rep. Mick Mulvaney of South Carolina expressed the frustration many Members have to the AP: Having said were going to do everything we can to stop this -- and then to do nothing to stop it -- really hurts. Breitbart reports that the GOP leaderships plan is beatable and highlights many efforts (from NumbersUSA, Eagle Forum, Heritage, Laura Ingraham, and CIS) to replace it with a better strategy: ...pass a short-term Continuing Resolution rather than a long term omnibus, and include language blocking funding for Obamas amnesty in it. If outgoing Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid can muster the votes to strip that language from the bill, or if Obama vetoes it after Reid fails to garner the votes, then the conservatives want the House to pass a short term CR until the new Republican congress, with GOP reinforcements, is sworn in in January. At that point, theyll target Obamas amnesty funding before he can get the program off the ground... All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. --Edmund Burke
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 17:39:52 +0000

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