CALLING ALL FITNESS FIRST DONCASTER MEMBERS!!!!! The team at Fitness First have recently introduced some new staff to the club and at the same time decided to start working on the culture around the club and taking more notice of our members. The first thing that we are going to be doing is communicating more and celebrating the wins of our members and the club. And so we want to see who is useing Face Book to see whats going on in the club on a daily basis. So what are we asking members to do? Answer: check in on Face Book to Fitness First Doncaster when ever you come into train. What does checking in every time you train do for you? Answer: Well what it does is tell us the team who is really training hard every day. What happens from here? Well from here the team can actually reward and mention members and celbrate results each month giving you the member more motivation and at the same time bring the team and members closer together so that a fitter community is created here at the club. So how will the team work to get the ball rolling? Well the team will monitor daily who checks in, then once a month we will see who is checking in the most and contact that member to congratulate them and if they want we can put their stoy up on Face book. Why are we starting this? Well the team at Fitness First Doncaster want to start promoting a Fitness Culture at the club as we see it as one of the best clubs in the area to train at and as Facebook is a massive way for people to communicate we have decided to start running the following: Member of the Month PT of the month Staff member of the month Charity events Member days Special events Fitness First News and regular up dates on Member/ club achievments Daily posts Motivational quotes Weekly fitness quizes and more... But we cant do this if no one is interested. So what we need do is trial how many people are willing to check in daily until the end of September! So we are asking as many members as possible each day to check in on their phones when they come to Fitness First Doncaster to train using Face Book from now until September 30th. From here the team will monitor how many people check in daily so we can see how affective this is. SOOOOO Lets get it started from today guys and girls .... Let the checking in begin :) Thanks Fitness First Doncaster Team
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 06:35:17 +0000

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