CALLING ALL PARENTS WITH TEENAGERS PLEASE READ, VERY IMPORTANT!!! THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT- Well the holidays are upon us and it’s the perfect time for our teenagers to try to slip in a little nookie while were at work. Parents!!! were not having it this year if you have a teenage daughter and she had her baby in August then you were a victim of “They gone to work finally, I hope you bought a condom 44 chicken wing, when do your momma get back home, it’s about to go down for 9 minutes nookie syndrome”, but not to worry the “jOkE fRoM tHe hOoD” has your solution-bTUB- that one crazy lady that’s in everybody’s complex, she has on corteroid Capri pants with boxing shoes long eyelashes, with a cut off net shirt that’s say “Aint nobody got time for that”…lmao-bTUB brought to you by…that one crazy person at work that can’t separate there work and personal life, you know the one, just look over your cubicle he or she is arguing with their significant other crying or talking loud right now, the one that owe’s everybody a $1 at work and they always wear that cologne or perfume titled “Fragrance by Ass”-lol-bTUB-that one crazy driver in the morning that is moving at the speed of light ducking in and out of traffic and there car is a 1996 Sebring with the trunk dented in and bubbled up tent on the back window. Now the “jOkE fRoM tHe hOoD”!!! ENJOY Top 5 things Parent with TEENAGERS should look out for to prevent their Teenager from catching: “They gone to work finally, I hope you bought a condom 44 chicken wing, when do your momma get back home, it’s about to go down for 9 minutes nookie syndrome” #5 Start dropping hints now that your company may start allowing you to work from home during the holidays. #4 Beware if they start asking you what time you get off, when do you leave for work, and if you leave for work at 6:30am and he or she is already up that is a sure sign of them preparing for a cous cous or a short dong silver experience…lamo #3 In the world of texting this a great way to use technology: Text your teenager and say things like: ”I Ieft my ATM at home I will be by home shortly to get it ”, The deacon/carpenter will be by soon to look at the refrigerator. Tell them you got a new alarm system and I can see everything in the house from work because their safety is the most important thing to you…HAHHAHA THEY WILL BE SICK!!!! #2 Pay that bad ass little kid in the neighborhood to knock on your house door every hour on the hour and text you if they see anybody going into your house. And last but not least and this is the most important one: #1 You have to at least one time show up at the house unexpected and walk in the house and look around not blinking at all while they watch and don’t say a word and then walk straight out the house and go back to work. They will be scared out of their mind!!!LOL Have an awesome day FB family. IM OUT THIS MUTHA!!!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!! 2PAC AS LEFT THE BUILDING not Elvis
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 17:39:55 +0000

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