CALLS FOR NATIONAL REVIVAL TO SWEEP THE US Present day evangelists unite and believe God is now turning their attention to U.S. At a time when many believe the midnight hour on God’s prophetic clock is fast approaching, major evangelists – Billy Graham, Franklin Graham, Bonnke, Laurie, Chuck Smith, Banning Liebscher and others – are turning their attention toward America in the hope of helping ignite an end-times awakening. Billy Graham – is praying for another “great spiritual awakening” in America. Greg Laurie – believes America’s “only real hope” is national revival. Reinhard Bonnke – says God told him the time has come for “a mighty wave of salvation to sweep the USA.” Jonathan Cahn – says there is a strong awareness among believers and Christian leaders that America is in “great spiritual danger.” . . . . . . . BILLY GRAHAM In the letter, Graham sees the US has turned into a nation in which “self-centered indulgence, pride and a lack of shame over sin are now emblems of the American lifestyle.” Graham compared America to the ancient city of Nineveh, the lone superpower of its time. When the prophet Jonah finally traveled to Nineveh and proclaimed God’s warning, the people repented and escaped judgment, Graham wrote. “I think it’s an apt description,” Laurie said. “I think in many ways America is like Nineveh. The wickedness of Nineveh was so great that God effectively said it was recognized up in heaven – ‘the sin of Nineveh has come before me’ – and I believe America is at such a state.” “We have turned our back morally and spiritually on God,” Franklin Graham said. “Our churches are in trouble, too. We are so concerned about being relevant to the culture. God never called us to be relevant to the culture.” “Our Father in heaven has called us to be obedient to Him. We are to be faithful and true. But the fact this whole relativism (disregards the moral pole) has got a hold of (endangers and restricts public practice & preaching by) our churches is troubling to me. We need to get back to what God has called us to do and that is to evangelize.” The church, he said, is “losing our country.” “We are not evangelizing,” he said. “We have all these religions coming into our country. We have opened up the door to Islam and Hinduism and all these other religions have come in. They are making great strides, but the church is asleep. We are praying that with My Hope this fall that churches would catch a vision for evangelism and they would see that evangelism works.” (Note: Graham is holding the My Hope America with Billy Graham evangelistic outreach the week of Nov. 7, 2013 on his 95th birthday.) GREG LAURIE Laurie said Graham “is a prophetic voice, and to me it’s like Isaiah or Jeremiah standing up and telling our nation what we need to do.” “I think (Graham) is the reason we are seeing this emphasis on the gospel and bringing it to America,” said Laurie. “Those of us who are Christians recognize that the only real hope for our country is for us to have a spiritual awakening.” “We would be wise to heed his warning and his admonitions and turn back to God, because I believe God’s prophet is speaking to us,” Laurie said. REINHARD BONNKE Bonnke said Americans “need to hear the Gospel.” When he preached in Germany, he said, skeptics told him Germans had rejected the Gospel. “I preached in a stadium and when I made the altar call, the power of God was so wonderfully present that I saw with my own eyes people jumping over the benches to come forward,” Bonnke said. “They couldn’t come forward for the prayer of salvation fast enough, and then I realized one thing: Germany has not rejected the Gospel. I think the new generation has never really heard the Gospel. “Every generation has a right to hear the Gospel, the ABC’s of the Gospel – the Gospel of salvation. And I believe the younger generation in America also has the right to hear the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ and make up its own mind.” JONATHAN CAHN Cahn said, “In fact, revival can even come through judgment and national shaking.” “The speed of its departure from God has accelerated,” said Cahn, the senior rabbi at the nation’s largest messianic congregation, the Beth Israel Worship Center in Wayne, N.J., and a descendant of Aaron, the brother of the biblical prophet Moses. “Hardly a day passes without another step in the nation’s moral and spiritual descent. To anyone who is spiritually sensitive or, for that matter, who reads the Bible, the picture is clear. “We stand at a tipping point,” he said. “I believe that’s why the Lord caused ‘The Harbinger’ to be released at this exact point in time. It’s a warning, the sounding of the trumpet, the call to return. The only hope we have is that of a turning of course, repentance, revival, a return to God.” “And the Lord can touch a remnant in the midst of national judgment. It’s interesting that these calls for prayer including that of 9/11: National Day of Prayer and Repentance converge around the time of the holy days of the Bible – the days which are linked to judgment, repentance and return to God.”
Posted on: Wed, 07 Aug 2013 01:03:05 +0000

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