CAMPUS PAROL »»»EPISODE 9 It was Kelvin, my course mate and - TopicsExpress


CAMPUS PAROL »»»EPISODE 9 It was Kelvin, my course mate and also my class representative. Kelvin banged on my door and shouted through the window when he heard no response, “Banji! Banji! O boy Dr Longe asked me to inform you to see him by eight thirty this morning o.” I regretted not closing my window to signal I wasn’t available to visitors. I was totally exasperated I didn’t shoot Bayo in my dream. I was ready to blow his skull off. I hated myself for not pulling the trigger early enough before Kelvin saved Bayo, but I hated Kelvin more for that singular act. I hated Kelvin even more with the weird message he gave me early that morning. Dr Longe wants to see me? That’s bad news, I said to myself. Then I was scared that my day would go worst than ever because of the very first news I heard. I got on my knees to pray before setting out for the day. I was so lazy that morning to take my bath, so I just brushed my teeth, washed my face, dressed up and sprayed some perfume to dent any escaping odour. “Hey! I am seeing Grace today O.” I said, nodding my head with a grin. I arranged Emeka’s bed and turned on his phone. Grace had already sent a message to Emeka’s phone, the message could have delivered yesterday night but it was switched off. She expressed her longing love for Emeka in the text message. “I can’t wait for you to make me feel like a woman again tomorrow. You just know how to treat me right. Tomorrow is just too far for me to wait for your touch.” I read out loud part of the content of the text message with a disgusting look. I couldn’t read out some of the contents of the text message because of its unscrupulous meaning. The text message proved to me that Emeka had been Grace’s extramural instructor, helping her solve issues she can’t handle herself, even if she tries. I hissed, kept the phone in my pocket and forged out. It was 8:23 a.m. already and Dr Longe doesn’t condole lateness for any appointment he fixes, so I hastened up to the department. Why does Dr Longe want to see me? Did I fail any course last semester? Maybe because I didn’t submit my assignment? I kept asking myself as I walked along. I saw a sharp nail on the floor, I picked it up for self defense whether or not I see Bayo. I arrived the department to see Dr Longe’s car at the parking lot. Dr Longe had been criticized severally by students over his old blue Peugeot 404. The car could directly be compared with a locomotive train. The car needed to go on an eternal leave because it had really suffered. The car rarely starts on its own, students were the emergency engine to get the car started; the car was name ‘a hundred meters push to start vehicle’ by students. Eyes away from Dr Longe’s car, I strolled into his office to meet the shock of the day, Adebayo Babashile. Dr Longe had his full attention so Bayo couldn’t see me just yet. Did Dr Longe know about the whole murder case? Why did he have to call me and Bayo to his office? I questioned my troubled mind. I composed myself, braved up like a lion and waited for Dr Longe to dismiss him. I was so ready to fight, not even after having a dream that he killed my parent. Kelvin, Strike or your black mambas’ crew won’t save you this time around, I almost said. Dr Longe finally released Bayo, who turned around and met his worst fear, me. He came closer to me and we faced off like two challenging professional boxers. Dr Longe, seated on his rocking chair angrily said, “Ori yin buru ni?” which means, ‘Are you guys mad?’ “I am sorry Sir.” We fearfully said simultaneously. Bayo departed, leaving me with frowning Dr Longe. I was scared when he gazed at me for some seconds without saying a word. “Did you submit my assignment?” He asked. “Hmm-mm-mm. Sir?” I pretended not to hear him well. He squeezed his face the more in anger and repeated, “Did you submit my assignment?” I couldn’t play around again with him else it’s a carry over, I quickly replied, “No Sir!” “You haven’t submitted and you are here fooling around, wanting to fight in my presence.” “No Sir! Please Sir! Am not fighting Sir. We were just saying hi.” I fearfully replied. “So, in your village facing each other with a frown is your mode of greeting?” “No Sir!” “In fact get out of my office. You don’t deserve to be helped.” He angrily said. I quickly prostrated like a typical yoruba boy that I am and pleaded, “Please Sir. Pardon my stupidity. I won’t do that again in the name of Jesus.” “I thought you were a serious student and I wondered why your assignment wasn’t here, on my table!” He yelled, banging his table with his hand severally while he spoke. I gave a crocodile tears to appease his angry gods and pleaded again, “E jor Sir! E jor!” which means, “Please Sir! Please!” “You have derailed drastically. You were one of the brilliant student in your hundred level! But now, where are you? Nowhere” He yelled. “Sir, I promise to change henceforth. Sir please pardon me.” “Stand up and go. I will think about it.” He dismissed me. I still remained prostrated, “Thank you Sir!” “I said go!” “Thank you Sir.” I said and left his office. I was rejoicing to have convinced Dr Longe to give me another chance to earn my thirty marks but the joy was short lived when I stepped out of his office. Bayo waited by Dr Longe’s door for me to exit. I came out to receive a punch on my face. I was bitterly angry, so I paid back with the same coin. We both sparred for some minutes after I took charge of the fight. Students, who saw us from afar ran with their mouth filled with noise, came to separate us. “I will just kill you for nothing.” I said, after I was dragged away from Bayo. I never noticed the rapt silence of the students. I still wanted to bleed Bayo’s mouth and nose the more but this person held my shirt back from going to fight. “You dey mad ni? Leave my shirt jor!” I yelled and struggled. I forcefully turned around to look at Bayo’s saviour, who had been holding my shirt all the while. I felt doomed to see the tip of my shirt wrapped around Dr Longe’s hand. I really felt like going offline looking at his blazing eyeballs that tells me all I needed to know about my thirty marks. I was fidgeting has he held tight to my shirt. I knew I was in deeper problem than I could imagine when I saw Dr Longe’s bald head sweating; I had over-worked him all the while he tried stopping me from fighting. Bayo has finally destroyed my life, I almost said. “Sir please Sir! He is the one.” I pleaded with tears in my eyes. He looked at me with one side of his face and roared, “I will slap you if you don’t shut your mouth up!” I held my lips with my fingers, obeying him to the letter. I knew I could do nothing again to appease him unless there was a miracle. He let go my shirt and wiped his sweaty head with his right index finger. The sweats that dropped from his head could fill a cup. “Both of you, sit down there.” He said, pointing to the floor in front of his office. “Sir please Sir! It was the devil.” I pleaded again. It was truly the devil, Bayo. A great deal of similarities one would see if Bayo was placed side by side with the devil. The only difference between Bayo and the devil was just the spelling of their names; the synonym of the devil is Bayo. “If you utter a word again! You would be so sorry for yourself.” Dr Longe yelled as he entered his office. Bayo and I sat on the floor close to each other. Bayo didn’t deem it fit to apologize, hinting at how much he wanted both of us to be expelled. I became uncomfortable when Bayo brought out his phone, with his fingers moving fast on its keypad like someone sending a text message. He really was typing a message. I knew he was when I swiftly snatched the phone away from him and peeked into it. That singular action led to another fight. That time around I lost all the morals I had, not giving a damn about Dr Longe and his thirty marks. I added extra punches to Bayo’s already bleeding face. I blew his jaw rapidly which immediately ejected blood from different corners of his mouth. “I will kill you, bastard!” I angrily said, adding more punches. I was totally consumed in rage, I lost all my sense of responsibility. Bayo kept struggling to push me over him but my weight denied him. I was about landing on his nose a dangerous uppercut when a school security personnel held my hand from behind. Dr Longe had reported our case to the school security department. He came out of his office and said, “Security! Those are the boys. Am happy you met them fighting again.” “Sir, he is the one that—- tha— that.” I was about explaining when Dr Longe interjected. “Shut up! silly boy. You are just a disgrace to your parent.” He angrily said and added, “Security, please take them away.” The security personnel ushered us into their van and zoomed off to their office. We alighted and were taken to the CSO’s office. As we were walking through the passage to the CSO’s office, I saw Mr Okanlawon. “Hello Sir! Mr Okanlawon!” I called his attention. He looked keenly, greeted his fellow personnel, halted us and replied, “Banji, what happened?” “Sir! It’s this useless boy, Sir!” I said, pointing at Bayo. “You are the useless boy! Bastard!” Bayo furiously defended. “Shut up!” The two security personnel yelled, then Mr Okanlawon added, “Banji, continue.” “Sir, this is the useless boy that killed those students o.” I quickly fixed him up to save my neck. “Ehn Ehn! Are you serious? This is the boy?” Mr Okanlawo said, astonished. “Yes Sir!” I affirmed. “No Sir O!” Bayo defended. “Let’s go. Move!” The other security personnel commanded, Mr Okanlawon joined us to meet the CSO. After permission had been granted by the CSO to bring us in, we trembly entered. “Banji! You again.” The CSO attacked. “Sir?” I asked, confused about what he meant. “Why is your shirt rumpled? And with blood stains? Oh I see!” He said, looked at me and later Bayo. “Okanlawon, why are this boys here?” “Oga Sir! Banji said this is the boy that killed those two students.” Mr Okanlawon said, pointing to Bayo. “What?!” The CSO stood up and shouted. “Yes Sir! That’s him” Mr Okanlawon said, pointing to Bayo again. “Sir, It’s not me Sir!” Bayo denied. “It’s you! Liar!” I angrily accused. “Shut up you both!” The CSO yelled and added, “Okanlawon get me the emergency record book.” “Yes Sir!” Mr Okanlawon said and exited his office. Bayo was set to destroy me to the last of his ability and I was quite happy to have destroyed his jaw to the best of my ability too. Mr Okanlawon in no time returned with a big book; the book contains the contact details of students’ next of kin. Mr Okanlawon presented the book to the CSO, who skimmed through it for some seconds. “What are the names of the people you killed?” The CSO asked. We both looked at each other and I said, “Talk na!” “You must be mad!” Bayo denied. “Are you boys mad?!” The CSO yelled. “For the last time, what are the names of the people you killed?” To avoid further problem, I foolishly replied, “Emeka Roland and ” “Wait! Let me check that first.” The CSO cut in. The CSO flipped through the pages of the emergency book, paused at a point and asked, “what level?” “three hundred level Sir.” I replied. He flipped through again, finally stopped and said, “Mr Okanlawon, we have to inform the parents of these late students.” “Yes Sir! That’s good Sir.” Mr Okanlawon affirmed. The CSO took his phone, checked the book and dialed a phone number. Emeka’s phone rang out loud from my pocket. The CSO hung up the call and looked at me in disbelieve that the number he just dialed was present with me. I became totally perplexed. My sweat drenched me from head to toe. Bayo and the two security personnel all wondered why my phone stopped ringing immediately the CSO hung up. They all looked randomly again after some seconds. The CSO looked at his phone, dialed the number again and shifted his focus back to me. The phone rang again from my pocket. WATCHOUT FOR EPISODE 10
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 16:08:18 +0000

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