CAMPUS PAROL »»»Episode 15 I paused and thought for - TopicsExpress


CAMPUS PAROL »»»Episode 15 I paused and thought for some seconds. I looked around but I didn’t set my eyes on Kofo. The customers had crowded over the armed man beating him like a drum. I keenly looked among the crowd but still didn’t see Kofo. I bent down and immediately saw her leg dangling over the helpless armed man. It’s a lie, that can’t be Kofo,I said to myself. I crawled towards the crowd, then I stretched my hand to pinch her dangling leg but she didn’t respond to the pain. I screamed in agony and pulled her out with the whole of my strenght. Sad! Kofo was already dead. Her face was disfigured by the hits she shared with the armed guy when the furious customers vented. I sat on the floor, placing Kofo on my laps and supporting her neck with my left hand. I wept and screamed in pain. I felt the world was fallen on me, having sent two people to a land of no return. Like a flash, I rolled Kofo from my laps to the floor, then I stood up, wiped my tears and left the banking hall. My heart became harden like a rock within seconds. “She don go be that jor. Life dey waka dey go.” I said, as I walked inside the school to take a cab to my department. “Make I go write my test jor. The dead should bury their dead.” I hurried the driver to step on the gas,so I would meet up with the test. I finally got to my department. I ran to the class only to be welcomed by littered papers, empty chairs and tables. I walked into the class fully, then I looked at the board. CONGRATULATIONS OLABANJI ADEBANJO FOR SENDING US TO HELL… That inscription was written with blood on the white board. The blood was dripping from the bottom of each alphabets. It all seemed like I was staring in an horror movie. I ran out of the classroom, speedily to my hall. I was surprised not to have seen a single soul on the way, even in my hall, till I got to my room. I was scared,I thought rapture had taken place. I immediately bolted the door and ran under my blanket, covering my whole body. I was cold and hot at the same time like Ikogosi warm spring. I heard the louvers slam closed by themselves and the wind was howling. Then, I knew there wasn’t a remedy to my death. My heart was pounding, I was sweating copiously with goose bumps as tall as skyscrappers all over my body and gnashing my teeth uncontrollably. Knock! Knock! Someone was at the door. I was scared to open but I realized that there was no more place to hide,so I decided to open the door. I timidly opened the door and hid behind it. Three individuals walked in galantly, two security men and Folake, Kofo’s friend. Folake never liked me from the first day we met and I didn’t like her because she was tubby. She wasn’t only fat but short which made her look like an inverted mortar. Folake would cease every opportunity to break my relationship with Kofo. “That’s him.” She said, pointing at me behind the door. “That’s the boy.” “What did I do wrong?” I fearfully questioned. “Shut up.” One of the security men ordered me. “Move!” The other security man said, ushering me out of my room. “You have killed her abi?” I looked back to the security man and replied, “Killed who? Who did I kill?” My shirt was stained with blood, Kofo’s blood. “You will explain better what all this is all about.” He replied, pointing to the blood stains on my shirt. I transfered my hands on my head as I walked ahead of them. “Ha! Mo gbe! Temi ba mi loni.” Which means, ‘Ha! I’m in trouble. I’m in a big mess today.’ I was happy to have ended the horror movie after seeing human beings to talk to, even though it wasn’t in my favour. We all entered the security van, then zoomed off to the school security office. We arrived in no time and I was immediately ushered to the CSO’s office. “Oya enter!” One of the security men ordered me into the CSO’s office. I entered, stood still before the already frowning CSO. “Banji, you again?” “Sir?” I asked confused. “You got a girl pregnant. True or false?” I thought for few seconds. “False.” I replied, knowing fully well Kofo was dead. He smiled and asked again. “You impregnanted a girl. True or false?” “False Sir!” I strongly affirmed my response. “Hey you! Bring the phone with the message.” The CSO said, pointing to Folake. Folake gave the CSO the phone, he peeked into it and handed it over to me. I looked at it and was shocked. Kofo had used Folake’s number to send the pregnancy alert message. Busted! “Take him to the guardroom.” The CSO ordered the security men. I was thrown into the guardroom, which extremely lacked illumination. I placed my head against the door and began to think, then suddenly, someone bit me hard on my neck. I angrily turnaround with a blow landing on the jaw of the unknown vampire. Bayo? It was Bayo. Another fight, that time it was a fight to finish. We started the royal rumble. I never knew Bayo had been toughened by his prolonged stay in the guardroom. He jabbed me with his left hand, I weaved it but wasn’t lucky enough to dodge the right jab. I fell on the floor. He hurriedly came over me, then I threw my hand to slap him but Kofo received it in the physical. I immediately woke up to see Kofo over me, placing her hand on her right cheek. Oh my God! I did it again, I slapped Kofo. I quickly sat upright, then went on my knees on the bed. “Kofo, please I’m sorry.” I said, demonstrating with my hands. “It’s not intentional. Please I’m so sorry.” Kofo kept mute, still placed her hand on her cheek, staring at me surprised. “Kofo, It’s Bayo. He was fighting with me in the dream.” I explained. “Please,say something.” She angrily jumped out of bed, went around the room picking up her belongings and finally dressed up. I stood up from the bed, went straight to Kofo,who was busy lacing her shoes. I placed my hands on her shoulder, she hit them away with immediate effect. “Kofo, I said I’m sorry. It wasn’t intentional. Believe me.” I pleaded. She didn’t pay attention to me. She stood up, picked up her back and was leaving. I swiftly stood like a cross before her,blocking her exit from the room. “Banji, get out of my way!” She ordered. “I’m not until you accept my apology.” “Banji, get of out of my way if you don’t want trouble.” “I’m already in trouble so it’s not new.” I replied. Thud! She let her bag drop freely to the ground, she paused and screamed out loud like a mortal kombat character, Sindel. Jeeeeez! Kofo almost blocked my ears. I rushed quickly to cover her mouth with my hand, which made her stop and I immediately let go my hand from her mouth before she bites me, like she did in my dream. “Will you let me go now?” She asked, with an ‘I’ll do it again’ look on her face. “I will let you go but please can I make it up to you?” I asked. “How? If I may ask.” I winked and pointed to my bed. She hissed and afterwards frowned. “In your next life. I ain’t interested in the relationship again.” She said. I smiled. “You are joking, right?” I asked. “Hey! Read my lips.” She snarled. “It is over between us.” I went on my knees. “Kofo, don’t do this to me, please. Remember all the years we have invested in this relationship.” I pleaded. “How many years? Fifteen months and two weeks is what you call years? Joker!” “Kofo, all the same, have mercy on me.” “I’m not God. Cry to God for that.” She said, shifting her face away from me. “Banji, let me go before I do something nasty to you.” “Please,Kofo,Please. My father is dead.” I pleaded more. “My mother is …” She swiftly interrupted. “My father is dead, likewise my mother and my sister, so don’t give me that.” She angrily replied. “If you need pity, you got mine already but I ain’t going back on my words. It is over.” I fell flat to the floor, pretending to have fainted but that didn’t touch Kofo’s already made up mind. She carefully took her steps not to step on any part of my body, opened the door and left. Plan failed, I said to myself. I revived from my pretense and chased after her. Kofo had already conquered the whole stairs, I almost persisted in the chase but I noticed something was dangling on my body. Oops! It was my problematic nozzle,I was unclad. It was almost dawn so I ran like a whipped horse,back to my room. Even in my dreams Bayo still landed me in problem and all effort to touch Kofo’s heart proved abortive. I immediately had a moodswing, all pointing to my relationship with Kofo. I laid on my bed with a saturated eyes, thinking about all I had been through and all I would pass through. Couldn’t believe I lost Kofo within seconds. I peeked at my phone for the time,it was 5:56 A.M. “When one door closes, another one opens.” I said and napped. I had slept for two hours fifteen minutes, I checked the time to know that. I was almost late for lectures and examination was already knocking on the door. I prepared for that day’s lecture like flash; ran into the bathroom with quarter filled bucket of water and came out within two minutes and dressed up very fast like a soldier. I picked my bag and forged on to class. I would travel to see my mother immediately after the lecture, I said to myself as I walked very fast. I arrived quite on time because the lecturer was still absent in class. I quietly entered the classroom, walked straight to the back seat and sat, thinking about Kofo. I was lost in thought, I never knew when Sade came close to me. She tapped me, I jerked and regained my consciousness. “Mr man, what are you thinking about?” Sade asked. “Nothing jare.” “Hmm, deceive yourself. Talk to me jor.” She persisted. “I said nothing!” I yelled at her. She flared up. “I know you are thinking about your partner in crime.” She said. “Sade, get away from here before I handle you.” I angrily said, pointing my index finger at her. “You can do nothing jor. Empty threat.” She said. “I knew you both would be in problem since you tried stealing from me.” I looked at her in anger,nodded my head and said, “I don’t have your time.” “How would you have my time? Ehn? Tell me?” She said. “Thief like you.” Sade almost got off my cloth of patience, any more word from her would land me into the pool of my anger and I wouldn’t hesitate to vent it on her. “Ain’t you a thief? Tell me? I thought you’re a gentle guy but …” I didn’t allow her finish her words when I stood up and left the class. I walked straight to the department’s notice board to check for necessary information. “Examination! Starting on Monday?” I said. I have to travel now and return tomorrow so I would prepare, I said to myself. Without further ado, I boarded a cab to the school gate. Then I walked to the busstop to get on another bus to the garage where I would board a bus home. I finally got a bus. I entered and sat in the middle of two hefty looking men. I took a glance at them and was struck with fear, the one on my right wore a dark sunglasses and the one on my left had some bruises all around his neck, guessed he might have gotten them from a fight. “Enter with your change O.” The conductor of the bus roared. “If you no get change, come down now.” I sat gallantly like a Chief, knowing fully well that I met the conductors criteria. In order not to have another fight with a conductor, I decided to pay him quickly so as for him to balance me on time. I reached for my wallet at my back pocket but it wasn’t there, I dipped my both hands into my side pocket, same condition. I’m in for it today, I was about saying. I became restless in the bus. Stop! Let me alight, that I couldn’t say because the bus had gone beyond the distance I could alight free off charge. I checked on the floor of the bus whether my wallet might have dropped, still I didn’t find it but I saw a two hundred naira note on the floor, lying close to the left leg of the hefty man on sunglasses. Should I pick it up? Definitely yes, my mind delivered me the answer in a jiffy. I bent down like someone who wants to lace his shoe, then I peeped at the man if he is aware of my move, he wasn’t, his head was positioned axis to the windshield. I immediately let my right hand grope towards the two hundred naira note, which was winking at me. “Oya, make una pay for front!” The conductor demanded his money. I quickly reached for the money, I touched it, grabbed it in my palm but my hand got stuck on the floor. The hefty man placed his leg on my hand. Which kind of trouble is this now? I asked myself. I slowly tilted my head to take a glance at the man but he pretended not to have known his leg was on my hand. He looked straight, concentrating on the windshield. I tapped him with my left hand, he removed his sunglasses, then looked at me. “Sir, you’re stepping on me.” I said. “Are you sure?” He foolishly questioned. I was almost getting annoyed but I immediately swallowed serene pills to trim it down. “Yes of course.” I replied. “Is that money yours?” He asked. I needed no seer to tell me that he was the owner of the money and he was aware the money was on the floor. “I’m sorry, but I was only trying to help you pick it up.” I lied; wisdom is the principal thing and with all thy getting get understanding, that I remembered from the Holy book. The man quickly released his leg and wore a pity look on his face. “Eyah! I didn’t know. I’m so sorry.” He apologized. I sat erect,then I handed over the money to him with the thought of how I would pay my fare. “Where are you headed?” The man asked. “To the last busstop Sir!” I joyfully replied almost immediately. “Oya,your money for here.” The conductor said,stretching his hand to me. I dipped my hand into my pocket like I was going to give him money, I kept struggling with my pocket until the conductor asked the man with the sunglasses for money. Take, for the two of us, that I heard and became relaxed. I thanked God for scaling me through that huge embarrassment. The bus got to its last terminal so I alighted and started another adventure back to school. Where would my wallet be? Did I forget it in the school cab? I asked myself. I still didn’t believe my wallet was gone so I confirmed again, touching all the pockets created on my trouser, but the result remained same. I had no money with me to take me back to school, speak less about the money that would transport me home. I decided to hire my legs to transport me back to school as fast as possible. I missed Kofo that very moment because she could have helped me with the fare I needed to go home. I shrugged that feeling off and started trekking. The sun was so scorching, I had to bring out a book from my bag, raised it parallel above my face to dent its effect on me. I kicked stones as football in order for me not to feel the impact of the trek. An undergraduate behaving like a primary school pupil, I thought. I stopped kicking stones and concentrated on the journey. I returned the book I used as a cap back into my bag, then I hastened my steps. I wasn’t moving as fast as a car or motorcycle, but I was fast enough to beat a bicycle ridden by an amateur. I was virtual running out of fuel when I saw a man standing at akimbo in front of his car with its bonnet open. The man was quite young but was old enough to be my father. I can’t help but notice how handsome he was, perfectly dressed in suit. I walked up to him. “Good morning sir.” I greeted. He turned around and faced me. “Good morning.” He replied. I smiled. “Sir, what’s wrong with your car?” I asked. “Hmm. It has an injector problem.” He answered. “Thanks.” “Ha! That’s serious o.” I said and added, “can I be of help?” The man smiled. “Never mind,Son.” He said. “I have sent my daughter to get a mechanic just across the street.” “Sir, I have little idea about cars, let me put it to a test.” I insisted with a smile. “Put your little knowledge about cars to a test with my car?” He said and giggled. “Anyway, you’re free. Over there.” Jesus, you just have to help me now, I prayed in my heart. I walked like an experienced mechanic to the car, dropped my bag and started unplugging what I really don’t know from the car’s engine. “In the name of Jesus! You this engine, receive life.” I prayed quietly but loud enough for someone very close to hear. “Hey! Mr? What are you doing?” The man asked. “No-o-thing sir.” I stuttered. “Nothing?” “Something sir.” I said. “Come and start it, Sir.” The man walked towards me. “Are you sure it’s going to start?” He asked. “That am not sure about, sir,but start it.” The man went into the car. He turned the key but not a single sound was made. He came out furious. “The car ignited to some extent before you touched it, what did you do to it?” He yelled. I twitched. I’m in trouble, I almost said. “Sir, I did nothing. Let me fix this stuffs back.” I said. “Go on. Fixit let me see you.” He mockingly said and stood behind me like a Boss supervising an apprentice. I looked behind me at intervals, hoping no slap drops on my neck suddenly. I plugged back all that I had unplugged. “Sir, go and start it.” He obediently walked into his car while I solemnly prayed to God in my heart. Yes! I did it, I said to myself as the car responded. The man rushed out of the car with a smile on his face, then hugged me so tight. “Sir, my hands are dirty.” I said with joy in my heart. “I don’t want to stain you.” He refused,still hugging me tightly. “Daddy?” The man let me out of his arms, I turned around to peek on the person who called him and I was flabbergasted with whom I saw. “Banji?” “Adaobi?” I said, pointing at her. “Banji.” “Adaobi.” She ran and hugged me so tightly. We let go each other, I looked at her still surprised and smiled. “What are you doing here?” She happily asked, breathing hard. “Hmm.” I sounded, looked at her father, then shifted my focus back to her. “I was coming from the garage so I saw your dad trying to fix his car and I helped him.” “Wooooow.” She shouted, covering her mouth with her hands. “Now, I see. What goes around comes around.” Adaobi’s father, who stood with a folded arms, watching the movie we displayed before him, immediately demanded our attention by clearing his throat. “You two know each other?” He asked his daughter. “Yes Dad.” “Your classmate?” He asked. Adaobi gave her dad a sarcastic look. “No Dad! Come on.” She replied. “He’s far from that, he’s a university student.” “Huh?” Her father asked, surprised. “Yes Dad. He’s.” Her father shifted his attention to me. “Are you serious?” Hey Mr! I repaired your car, kindly pay me and let me go, I have a journey to embark on, I almost said. “Hmm. Yes sir. I’m.” I reluctantly replied. “That’s amazing!” He said and hurriedly went into his car. I quickly faced Adaobi, who was as radient as I last saw her. If we were in the cartoon world, definitely, my eyes would have a love badge on it, popping in and out of my eye socket. I couldn’t say a word to her because I was choked by her fragrance, which smelled love, love and love. “What? Banji, why that look?” She asked with a smile on her face. As a literature student, I had read many books and had crammed many quotes, then my brain like Google carved out the needed ones and downloaded them to my mind. “Adaobi, you’re so beautiful and your dove eyes are veiled by your hair as it flows and shimmers, like a flock of sheep in the distance streaming down a hillside in the sunshine.“ “Hmm.” She sounded, blushing. “Your smile is generous, fully expressive, strong and clean. Your lips are jewel red, your mouth elegant and inviting.” “Hmm, Baaannnjjjiii.” She said, shifting closer to me. “Your veiled cheeks are soft and radiant. The smooth, supple lines of your neck command notice. All heads turn in awe and admiration when you pass by.” “Oh my God!” She amazingly said, covering her mouth with her right hand as her dad interrupted. “Ada, where is the pack of my complementary cards?” He asked her from the car. “Dad, I don’t know. Check the safe.” She quickly replied her dad to hear more of my words. “Banji, please continue.” I cleared my throat, dusted my shirt with the back of my palm, feeling like Aladdin. “Your bosoms are like fawns, twins of a gazelle, grazing among the first spring flowers.” I said. She immediately looked at her chest to comfirm if what I said was true. Oh my my, literature has its advantage in the life of a man, I said to myself, jumping and throwing a party within. She looked at me with a wink to continue. I paid her back with a smile and continued. “The sweet, fragrant curves of your body, the soft, spiced contours of your flesh invite me, and here I am. I stay until dawn breathes its light and night slips away.” I was already engrossed and burnt up with love for Adaobi. The love I had for her was more than what Romeo had for Juliet. I shifted closer to her, she closed the gap between us, and we both cared less about passers-by. It all seemed like an Indian film shot in Nigeria. I looked into her eyes, she did same. “You’re beautiful from head to toe, my dear. You’re beautiful beyond comparison. Oh my God! In fact you are absolutely flawless.” I said, holding her by the neck and I quickly checked if her dad was watching but thanks to the bonnet, it blocked the windshield. Some rich folks don’t give a damn about what people say, I knew when Adaobi almost kissed me on the road. I quickly place my index finger on her lips. “We can’t do this here.” I said, partially thinking about the power of words. She became sad. “You are right. Ok, I understand but I don’t care, you know?” She said. “But it’s fine. I understand.” “Thanks for understanding.” I said with a pounding and a happy heart. “Yeah Yeah” She said and smiled. “Can I have your number?” I asked, reaching for my phone in my pocket. “Sure, why not.” I gave her my phone, she began typing when her dad caught us too close for comfort. “Ada!” “Dad?” She answered, trembled. She handed me the phone and walked up to him. I stood where I was,waiting to be called. He signalled me to come and I rushed to him. He stretched some money to me with a smile on his face. “Keep it up. Ok?” He said. “Yes sir.” I said. “Thank you sir.” Adaobi’s father closed the bonnet of the car, then dusted his hands and his suit. “Ada, come on let’s go.” He said to his daughter. “Yes Dad.” She replied and quickly peeked at me before moving into the car. I smiled, fixing my eyes on Adaobi’s ever vibrating backside as she entered into the car. They zoomed away as I waved at them. Money! Thank you Jesus for this miracle, I said to myself. I quickly kept my phone in my pocket to count the money,I found out it was a huge sum of five thousand naira; It’s huge to a fellow who had zero amount in his account. I kept the money in my pocket and brought out my phone to save Adaobi’s number which displayed on the screen of my phone. I was bolted from the blue when I looked at the screen of my phone, Adaobi’s number was gone. TO BE CONTINUED Its time to hear from the fans. What are your take on the story so far? What Title best fits this series and where do you think Banj all got it wrong.
Posted on: Sat, 30 Aug 2014 19:30:44 +0000

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