CAMUY RIVER CAVE PARK, ARECIBO RADIO TELESCOPE & OBSERVATORY Camuy-Caves-Puerto-Rico Locations: Rio de Camuy and Arecibo Highlights: CAMUY. Camuy Caves Puerto Rico. The Camuy River Cave Park tour begins with a short film. We descend to the caverns via open-air trolley and enter a 200 foot-deep sinkhole lined with dense tropical vegetation. The trolley then brings us to the entrance of 170-foot-high Cueva Clara, one of 16 caves in the Camuy caves network, where we begin a 45-minute walk through the majestic caverns, which are lined with giant stalactites, stalagmites, and natural sculptures, formed over the centuries. ARECIBO. The Arecibo Radio Telescope & Observatory contains the world’s largest and most sensitive radio telescope. Its “dish” 1,000 feet in diameter and 167 feet deep. The telescope allows scientists to monitor incoming radio signals from the farthest reaches of the universe, and is used by scientists to search for signs of extraterrestrial life. Suspended above the dish is a 600-ton platform that resembles a space station. An unusually lush ecosystem has developed under the dish. The Arecibo site was featured in the Jodie Foster movie, Contact. Tour: $80/person. Does not include admission. sunsettourpr/tours/
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 01:11:41 +0000

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