CAN ANY CATHOLIC MEMBER ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS FOR ME: There are things i dont understand about the Catholic doctrine that you can never find in the Holy Bible. I have so many questions that most of you here may defend yourselves by ignoring them because you dont have right answers. But even if no one would want to answer, you better read my questions so that oneday you come to understand why am asking these questions: QUESTION:1 Why do the Catholic Church teaches that salvation is through the Mass or Holy Eucharist? The Eucharist[Mass] is where Catholics partake the wine & bread communion. Without partaking of the Catholic Mass, there is no salvation. In short, those outside Catholic church can never find salvation. QUESTION:2 Why do the Catholics worship Mary as the mother of God? The Catholic church teaches that Mary is not just the Lord, but is the mediator between man & God. The Bible is clear, there is only one mediator between God & man, and it is not Mary. 1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one mediator between God & men, the Man Christ Jesus QUESTION:3 Are the following things Biblical? -Infant Baptism -Confession -Sacrament -Indulgences
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 19:41:34 +0000

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