CAN I GET A MULLIGAN, LORD? Golf is a hard game, to say the - TopicsExpress


CAN I GET A MULLIGAN, LORD? Golf is a hard game, to say the least. Although the ball is stationary and you can take your time, it is still a tremendous challenge to get the ball to go where you want it to go. As most golfers would agree, just about the time you think you finally have the game under control, the wheels come off. It can be exasperating! Because I am not very good at golf, one of my favorite things in the sport is a mulligan. A mulligan is a do over, a second chance to make the needed shot. Mulligans give hacks like me a chance for redemption ... a chance to turn a disastrous hole into a decent one. Mulligans can make all the difference in the world as it relates to the score card and the desire to keep playing. Life is a lot like golf - it is hard to say the least. Just when you think you have got it all figured out, it throws you a curve and the wheels come off. We often say and do things we wish we hadnt. We often let anger and fear influence us to make bad decisions that can have devastating consequences. It is in times like that when we desperately need a mulligan. GOD GIVES MULLIGANS Dont be afraid, Samuel told the people. You did do all these evil things. But dont turn away from the LORD. Instead, serve the LORD wholeheartedly. Dont turn away to follow other gods. They cant help or rescue you, because they dont exist. For the sake of his great name, the LORD will not abandon his people, because the LORD wants to make you his people. 1 Samuel 20-22 GW The good news is that God gives mulligans, lots of them. Even when we mess up royally, if we will repent and turn to Him, He is quick to forgive us and give us another chance to walk with Him in humility and obedience. As Corrie ten Boom so beautifully said, No matter how deep the sin, Gods love is deeper still. Are you in need of a mulligan today? Do you need a fresh start in your relationship with God? Acts 3:19 tells us that if we will repent of our sin and selfishness and return to the Lord, He will wipe our sins away and bring times of refreshing to our hearts. What do you say to that? PRAYER Dear God, I need You. I have sinned and gone my own way. Please forgive me, Lord. I need a mulligan. I need to start fresh with You. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for never giving up on me. Thank You for being patient with me. Thank You for being the God of second chances (and third and fourth and five hundredth). I surrender anew to Your lordship. I want to obey You and live under Your control. Today is going to be a great day because my scorecard is wiped clean by the blood of Jesus. I have been given a new lease on life by the grace of God. Praise the Lord! Pastor Jeff P.S. Wed love to pray for you and with you. Go to and leave your prayer need. We and many others will be faithful to pray for you.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 12:22:19 +0000

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