CAN I GET AN AMEN FOR THE TEACHERS? If I had remained in - TopicsExpress


CAN I GET AN AMEN FOR THE TEACHERS? If I had remained in nursing, I would have been a scrub nurse....I took to Surgery, like a fish to water..but the 8-5 weekends off, 22 paid holidays, 2 week vacation, sick leave and extended sick leave offered by Texas Dept. Human Resources..lured me into Social Work, I was in my comfort zone and really enjoyed everyday I worked. After I had to quit full time work, I became certified to Substitute Teach in DISD...I loved teaching K-6 when my children were in elementary...noticed I said, I loved K-6! Not Junior High.....those teachers need war zone pay! Pre-teen, and Puberty...I pray for those teachers!!!. Thank Principals, Educators and anyone involved the pursuit of academic excellence for your child, as well as their development of social and cultural enrichments . From the custodial staff, to, those who prepare and serve the food, as well as the nurse, the bus drivers, etc. But especially TEACHERS who are THE FRONT LINE SOLDERS who battle daily with paper work requirement, classroom disruptions, social media activities outside the classroom that spills over into confrontations, and ill behaviors..They are in a war against outside the class room distractions and hindrance in education that occurs as they prepare our children to be future leaders of tomorrows. Teachers perform multi-roles and receive a single pay! As educators they teach, mentor, inspire, encourage, counsel, prepare and grade tests, reading assignment, project /term papers in addition to creating daily lesson plans. They act as the curriculum and social liaison for your child to achieve academic excellence enrichment skills, in a world of social stratification. They are truly called, because they are underpaid and over worked, yet year after year, they return to the classroom to educate children who may or may not have access to computers, books, and many items needed for learning development. They have to deal with issues of poverty, inadequate study habits, reading skills, social media and home problems that exist beyond the classroom, and they do it because they care!.Gone are the days when teachers could teach adaptation by taking students outside to observe how animals and plants survive. Gone are the days of time for classroom experiments that allow critical thinking to develop. Students learn to take and pass tests, but not how to apply what is learned in classroom to daily living activities. Their natural curiosity is hindered by tests, tests, tests, A and B answers, multiple choice question that does not allow creative problem solving skills or ideas. Limited or no time for teachers to study or implement /student learning methods based on the childs style of learning. The ability to touch, and experience various methods of oral learning is as important as sight and reading. Reading and understanding what is read are limited by time restrictions allotted for testing. Breakfast, a good night sleep, and discussion with your child about his or her learning are very essential to aiding the teacher. I never missed a day from asking my children how was your day at school, and followed up with what subject did you have problems with. What activities in the classrooms do you like....because they will just say their day was fine. But if you asked who said what, or who like whom, , etc...they will then engage in a conversation about their day at school. I taught my children, nieces, etc 4 essential things that I believed was needed for learning. 1.It is better to have the knowledge and not need it, than to need knowledge and not have it, so they were required to read or perform an assignment a page past what was required of them. If questions from that extra page came up on a test, they were already prepared!. 2. The only dumb question is the one not asked (Ignorance is lack of knowledge, not lack of wanting knowledge). 3 I never allowed them to say cant. I taught them to say It may be difficult, but I can do it, I can do my best because I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me! 4..I taught them how to control their anger and not let people socially control them with words with the motto He who angers me conquers me and I refuse to be conquered! The next 3 weeks, parents, as we prepare to return our students to the classrooms. please remember the teachers! Return students to their regular school routines by changing bedtime gradually, and allow time for breakfast to aide in the ability to concentrate and retain knowledge. And most of all... teach them that they go to school to learn, not to socialize. Leave social activities for before and after school...not on classroom time! Thanks to all the Educators, God Bless YOU!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 09:33:30 +0000

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