CAN JUSTICE PREVAIL IN SOUTH SUDAN IN THE ABSENT OF PEACE? How can justice be administered when both sides are preparing to kill more civilians in the process of attacking each other? Where is the law that people should think about? Is there law in South Sudan or was there law even before the government made crisis? I am talking of good laws. When we expressed our support to have a third party to intervene in order to save lives of human beings some people are opposed to it.So, what is the matter? Isnt it a failure when several datelines had passed without any substantial outcome? Who will administer the justice and when? Who should think about the human beings? The SPLM/A that is supposed to protect the citizens is intimidating and they are feared in the nation and above all they becomes the terrorist that terrorise and detain citizens without proper process. Who on earths should think about poor human lives in South Sudan? When people who could speak up are silenced and those who have the ability to influence are polarised either based on their support to their organisation (SPLM/A) or along the tribes lines. When Arabs used to say South Sudanese cannot govern themselves, I did not get it then, but now indeed I am contended that there are those who cannot govern for sure. Despite the fact that there are more competent people who are underutilised or not use at all, again due to the lack of wisdom to put the right people in the right positions. Someone told me five years ago that South Sudan is 100 years behind. If that was agreeable guess how many years is the country behind now? Over hundred years behind because of the failed government under SPLM/A leadership who failed to see the consequences of their small office military dishonesty and politicking. Instead of planning the progress of peace and development, they were struggling for power in other to wage war against civilians who were innocently going about their lives in Juba and other part of the country. The common sense that people learn in childcare is not common among SPLM/A leadership who failed to settled minor disputes that lead to loss of innocents lives and sufferings of many others. Children in childcare even can plan to prevent injury more than the so call leaders who are well known for intimidation. Isn’t it a common sense that when one throw a stone up it will eventually come down? Thus it warrant precaution from anyone in the vicinity. How comes the cabinets ministers which were entirely SPLM/A members failed to see the disaster they were cooking up?They would have saved the nation had they to employ real talented advisors and constitute parliament with competent people. Time wasters chanting SPLA oye! Deceptively while doing nothing but planning a national crisis. Well, the deceptive chanting of SPLA oye! is haunting the country now in their faces and they even failed to ask for help because they closed their eyes to the solutions at home. The solution to the problem of South Sudan is in South Sudanese not somewhere.People are beating around the bush for nothing. There is no trust between the current team leaders that is Kiir and Riek. Above all, people have lost trust in many aspects on the Kiir and Wani Igga’s government. Kiir does not want to share power with Riek due to the fear of serious retaliation. And Riek and his group did not want to allow more military power in the hands of Kiir due to lack of trust as well which is fortified and indicated by the recent history. Just in case Kiir might use the power again to allow massive killings like the one that took place in Juba. That is rational thinking. So, in real sense, from a civilians perspective, it is clear that if the two groups could not bring peace due to loss of trust, they should be ready to steps asides, re-train soldiers and install a trusted military leader who will not order the military to kill citizens, restore trust of the public and then, establish a civilians government to run the country instead. This will give them time to rest and waite for the next step. While the public should determine what to do with the perpetrators using appropriate steps with procedural fairness. Let SPLM/A give the nation to a group of primary schools prefects from all the ten States they will restore trust quickly. Let SPLM/A give the country in the hands of the traditional leaders, and resolves the issues within the country. It will only take a day or so to negotiate the issues and restore peace not a week, months or years. Let them give the country in the hands of the right and competent people, it will shine and attracts business investment, create employment opportunities to the unemployed, develop infrastructures and put the nation on the map of the world and make South Sudanese proud of being call South Sudanese. SPLM/A is a shame, SPLM/A is a failure and SPLM/A has failed beyond repair. SPLM/A is the source of all the trouble troubling the country currently. To an ordinary people in South Sudan, SPLM/A is a synonyms for Death! it means intimidation, it means failure, it means censorship, lack of freedom and many more horrible things one can think off. SPLM/A are robbing the new generation of good life. SPLM/A is killing the future and the future of the young ones. SPLM/A administrative apparatus has expired and outdated. They should plan for a gentle, respected and dignified transition into civilian’s government and STOP KILLING innocent human beings! That is what people of good hearts and educated and compassionate influential people should ask for. NOT supporting them in their madness, mental illness and trauma that make them go wild on killing each other, killing their comrades, citizens and foreigners who are there to help and run services that are helping in developing the nation. Keeping the tired soldiers in war under the nonsense military commands while the real causers are resting somewhere save. We the civilians are better off to maintain our trust and embrace peace and not to allow the division created by SPLM/A affect us. Dr. Garang once said, graveyard is even better! I agree with that statement, it is better to be in a graveyard than be alive to witness the complex mess constructed by the SPLM/A once a trusted organs in South Sudan. Instead of preparing the nation for a better retirement, the current leaders are preparing a hell in their old age. They will be running in their 70s, 80s or even 90s when the next anger burst up because they are hurting the nation by creating and nurturing hatred instead of unity. They are planting seeds of violence instead of peace. What is next? SPLM/A can do good and appreciative services by respecting the ongoing peace talk and embrace POLITICAL DIALOGUE (put guns down and talk, dig out the issues and agree to resolves them without killing anyone), RECONCILIATION (accepting mistakes and errors played by the perpetrators and or in other words saying we accept we were once idiots but we should move on as people of the same nation), FORGIVENESS (to live with the memory with the aim of never to repeat such a barbaric act of killing each other when a dispute arises). What on earth is hard from the above? Are there no sane people in SPLM/A decision making organs? AKA47 and other guns were manufactured to protect borders. What is happening in South Sudan is known as the organise madness of the high order! That is why it took over 12 months without a resolution and it seems the madness is still in the making. Due to the madness when some of them finish reading such article they would think of killing the writer instead of asking for help! Off course, it is not surprise, the same organise madness in the making! If you are a SPLM/A member do yourself a services by generating good ideas next time you attend a meeting and if you find yourself the only rational beings just get out! Or think on your feet. The solutions to the current problem among others are as follows: BOTHSIDES SHOULD STOP KILLING! ACCEPTANCE OF POLITICAL DIALOGUE, RECONCILIATION, and FORGIVENESS AND PROPER OVERHAUL POLITICAL REFORMS = PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT. If SPLM/A act along this line they will restore trust and steer the country in the right direction and then, perhaps justice will prevail, otherwise, the nation will continue in the wrong direction. REMEMBER: WORDS OF WISDOM AND TIPS: MILITARY ACTIONS HAS NEVER RESTORE PEACE IN ANY NATION. This is an intellectually and politically honest discourse. I am Ocholamero Otir Bure Oroto.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 02:35:34 +0000

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