CAN KENYA LEARN FROM UK? Despite the distaste of colonial rule in - TopicsExpress


CAN KENYA LEARN FROM UK? Despite the distaste of colonial rule in the 19th century, Kenya borrowed a lot from the British system. Some of the areas Kenya assimilated the UK system were in education, religion and governance. Although UK has its own weaknesses, it is one of the most developed countries in the world. Hence, I believe there is much for Kenya can to learn from UK. In writing this article, I do not intend to undermine Kenya’s great strengths which include cultural heritage, great resources and relentless people, who have worked hard to see the economy grow above 4.1% in the last one year. Nevertheless, we cannot ignore the problems facing our country at present, in terms of political tension, insecurity, tribal mistrust and corruption. Having lived, studied and worked in UK for over a decade, I believe there are a few tips Kenya can borrow from UK. This includes; 1.POLITICAL MATURITY- In the UK politics do not paralyse the daily running of the country. Whether it is in the week, or in the year of elections, the country runs peacefully and people address issues in a mature way. People vote peacefully without animosity and they respect each other’s choice of political support. Moreover, despite the people’s dislike for the ruling party, everyone respect its power and accepts the voting outcome. This is unlike Kenya, where in the year of elections everyone is hypersensitive and there is a lot of political animosity. Indeed, a lot of time and money is wasted in politics and leaders are chosen in tribal lines but not according to their character and capability. Despite, the elections outcome there is no respect for government, leaders and even for each other. This political immaturity costs the country’s progress in a major way. 2. EQUALITY- In Kenya, nepotism is a virus that has affected the country negatively for many years. Most services are rendered to people according to their tribal background. This has lead to a lot of inequality in the country in the places of work, in government offices and other areas. The discrimination culture has derailed the advancement of the country, whereas parts of the country remains underdeveloped, whilst other areas remain politically tensed and a lot of youth graduates remain unemployed despite their academic achievements. UK has done it best to accommodate people from different cultural background and religious background. There are laws that protect all people despite their age, colour, religious background or their gender. These laws are effective and followed by most people in places of work, or even in government offices. If one feels prejudiced, they can freely argue their case in a court of law where they are protected. Although there have been few cases of discrimination, I would argue that Britain has done its best to accommodate most. If you don’t agree with me, please visit other countries abroad and you will appreciate my view. The equality has is projected in their economy and political stability. If you work in London, you will meet people from all back ground who are chosen according to merit but not bigotry. 3.ETHICS – Although Kenyans are highly religious with about 70% Christians, 20 % Muslims and 10% others, the country remains 80% corrupted. I always wonder what happens to their religious values and ethics ie kindness, honesty, respect, truth and good character. I must admit I have been a victim of corruption where I have paid for services 10 times more, only to realise later that I was cheated. This leaves one feeling disgusted. Also, there is a culture of people promising to deliver services with no intention of doing it. So one remains hopeful but the person who promised to deliver services doesn’t even bother to communicate their position. This creates an environment of mistrust. Other people never keep time and have no apologies for it. No wonder, the country development is slower despite the high potential. In UK, most people keep their words and are always on time. Most people follow the laws and if the services promised are not delivered there is a complaint procedure which is followed and most times one will get compensation, if they were maltreated. Overall, if Kenyans would be willing to learn some of these pointers and combine them with their strengths, I believe they will be unstoppable in building the nation. Our beloved country will not only be stable politically but also economically, academically and all other areas. I am proud to be Kenya and I hope that we will progress in the right direction and not allow ourselves to be distracted by unproductive engagements. God bless Kenya & the rest of the world. Eve. C ev-onlinecounselling
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 08:00:07 +0000

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