CAN SO CALLED G.O,POPE OR ANY OF THE RELIGION LEADERS ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS? (GAL1v8-9),(2Tim3:16-17)(Rev22:18-19) (1)Is it part of the doctrine of Christ that his followers wear titles like: Pope,Archbishop Reverend,Reverend Father,Reverend Mother,Cardinal,General,General Overseer,Senior Apostle,Founder,and the like?If this is a part of his doctrine,please state where Christ,or his apostles and the early Christians wore such titles in your Bible, In conjunction with The First Century when elders or bishops had the oversight of the congregation where they served (Acts 14: 23, I Tim. 3: 1-7, Tit. 1: 5 ff.). (2)did Paul or any other disciple own a separate churches over which they constituted themselves as separate founders or heads. if yes prove with the bible quotations Or as many different churches, teaching many different doctrines, does it exist in the First Century (time of Jesus and the apostles). There was one universal church and the local churches were united around the word of God (Eph. 4: 4, 5) As a result, Paul could teach every where in every church (I Cor. 4: 17). Denominations are the result of a party spirit and men rallying around men (I Cor. 1: 10-13). Fellowship was spiritual and determined by the truth taught and practiced (2 Jn. 9-11). The local church wore no human names, as seen, there were no Baptists, Methodists, and Presbyterians etc in the time of Jesus and the apostles (Rom. 16: 16, I Cor. 1: 2). The saved were simply known as Christians, members, believers, disciples, and saints (Acts 11: 26; I Cor. 12: 27; I Tim. 4: 12; Acts 6: 1; Phili. 1: 1). Christians were to believe and practice the same belief, the one faith (I Cor. 1: 10, Jn. 17: 21). Religious division was not glorified, as it is today, but was viewed as sinful (I Cor1v10-13). Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.......if this is not so prove with your bible quotations (3)Is it part of the doctrine of Christ that we have women evangelists,women bishop,women pastor,women elders,etc. please state where you find such doctrine in the New Testament!considering 1Corth14v34-35,1Tim2v9-15,Titus2v2-5. (4)Is observing and celebrating Christmas,Easter,Good Friday,Holy Micheal Day,Ash Wednesday,Lent,Palm Sunday, Harvest,Feast of the Tabernacle,Pilgrimage,etc.,Part of the doctrine of Christ? If this question is yes, please state from your Bible where Jesus,the Apostle or early Christians observed Such Feasts. apart from the Lord super(1Corth11v23-26) (5)Is Sprinkling for baptism a part of the doctrine of Christ?if yes say it is of Christ,please state where sprinkling for baptism was practice during Christs earthly ministry or by the Apostles and the early Christians. (6)What about the wearing of special robes and a literal cross about ones neck?Are these also a part of the doctrine of Christ? Please prove what you believe about this from your Bible. (7)Is the doctrine of salvation from sickness,joblessness,barrenness,poverty and easy smooth sailing through life,the doctrine of Christ?in other words,did Christ die for the physical salvation of the body?And did providence guarantee in scheme of human redemption that his people would never be sick or hungry or poor? Paul wroteAll who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution(2Tim3v12).Read Matt5v10-12 and Luke21v12 and you will hear from Christ Himself on the subject. (8)Is kneeling down before an altar and paying homage to a graven image and making the sign of the cross, a part of the doctrine of Christ?if you yes,please state where Christians. Did so in the new Testament !Remember that God does not dwell in the temple made with hands,and Christians are to keep away from Idolslittle children keep yourself from idols1John5v21 see (exo20v4-5,lev26v1),and prove with the bible quotation the apostolic example of worshiping with image of christ or of the marry. The bible says God is a spirit and those who worship God should worship God in truth and in spirit. (9)Is beating drums,playing in a band,picking the guitar,clapping hands and dancing in worship service a part of the doctrine of Christ?(We are not talking about Judaism but about Christianity)Please state where Christ,his Apostles and early Christians used mechanical instruments of music in new testament worship. Ignorance of the fact that we live under the new testament makes some people quote passages from the Psalms in the old Testament in an effort to Justify their ignorance Practice(mark7v6-9,Rom10v1-3). (10)Is paying tithes,levies and marking these things in register against your name(in most cases against death rituals)part of the doctrine of Christ?just show in your Bible where a Christian, not a Judaizer,paid tithes!see 1Corth16v1-2,2Corth9v6-8)Children of God give according as they purposed in their heart,not as one tenth. NOTE Assumption that every man is left to choose what he may think is right in religion is not of God but of the devil. Man opinion is not Gods standard in religion. the bible says that it is not in man that walketh to direct his own steps(Jer10:23)man way may seem right to himself,but the end there of is the way of death(prov14:12).Jesus says the commandments of men make vain worship (matt15:9). The only true standard of authority in religion is the new testament. No catechism, book of common prayer,constitution or creed written in mens councils has any religion authority. Jesus has all authority in heaven and on earth(matt28:18).He sent the Holy spirit to guide his apostle into all truth(John16:13).Thus,what is written in scripture is inspired of God and is sufficient unto every good work for christians(2Tim3:16-17)men must not add nor take from Gods book(Rev22:18-19)All must abide in the teachings of christ and not go beyond them(2John9-10). Men must not change or pervert the Gospel(Gal1:7-9).The simple solution to religious divisions therefore is that we all go back to the bible. We must speak where the bible speaks and silent where the bible is silent. we must do bible things in bible ways and call bible things by bible name. Please,continue to read this and see some of the things you should know. your eternal destiny depends upon your attitude toward Gods words. We must never presume a thing is acceptable simply by the fact that it is not specifically forbidden. God did not specifically forbid carrying the ark of covenant on an ox cart, yet doing so cost a man his life(1chro13:6-10;15:2,13). To visit any church of christ withing ur location u can send your E-mail address The church of christ function entirely on the doctrine of the bible
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 05:45:25 +0000

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