CAN WE TALK FOR JUST ONE MINUTE? : A Miami Jules - TopicsExpress


CAN WE TALK FOR JUST ONE MINUTE? : A Miami Jules Editorial Today, I visited some of the Miami Dolphins discussion pages to get a feel for how the fan base was feeling after yesterdays loss to the Denver Broncos, and I was, and maybe not surprisingly, floored by disappointment. Frustration and sadness are understandable emotions after investing so much energy into a game, but the magnitude of the stupidity I read from some was amazing. Out were the rioting hoards calling for benchings and firings, spewing their venomous words all over the streets of the fan sites up and down the web. Perhaps they fail to understand that the team on the field at the end of the fourth quarter yesterday in Denver, was quite a different team from the one that started. Perhaps they fail to understand that in the NFL, injuries will happen and can affect the course of a season. I wonder what these mindless creatures of dissent would have said back in 1973 when coming off a perfect season the Dolphins lost for the first time on their way to still another Super Bowl win. Would they have called for the benching of Griese or the firing of Shula? Anyone who has known or followed me for over one year, will know that I am not a loyalty blinded fan... rah rah just for the sake of rah rah. I want my team to do well, but I also understand that losses will happen, they are as part of competitive sports as wins are. Maybe these unruly mobs should understand however that there is a difference between calling out a manager who has continuously failed to have his team reap the winning fruits of his labor, engaged in questionable interviewing practices, and managed to reach the bottom of the NFL in draft class production. An offensive coordinator who repeatedly put his QB in harms way by asking him to drop 7 steps into a collapsing pocket, and calling out a staff that has put together an entire effective offensive line from the moment they came on board, an OC who has given his quarterback a set of plays that allows him to maximize his strengths, a quarterback who threw 3 touchdown passes and ran for one more, in the game he is getting vilified for, one whose numbers were only marginally inferior to his elite counterpart, and a coach whose input made the hiring of these sages who have put a an entire offensive line in less than a year, just because the team has been depleted by injuries because there was just not enough time to address the question of depth in one short off season... just how fickle are you? Quiet now you bunch of lunatics before you embarrass yourselves, your town and the team you claim as your own. Maybe you ought to learn about the game you also claim to know about before you publicly drag through the mud the names of the only ones who have steered the ship unto its right course and litter with your poison the freshly painted walls of what has just been constructed but has yet to fully set. I support Joe Philbin, I support Dennis Hickey, I support Bill Lazor, I support Ryan Tannehill and I even support Kevin Coyle and as always, I mostly support my Miami Dolphins!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 23:21:12 +0000

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