✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ CAN YOU HEAR ME ✞ ✞ - TopicsExpress


✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ CAN YOU HEAR ME ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ ✞ And after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire, and after the fire [ a sound of gentle stillness and ] a still, small voice. 1 KINGS 19:17. OH LORD, I AM DESPERATE TO HEAR YOUR VOICE. PLEASE, PLEASE, JUST TALK TO ME. God has always been talking to us, the question is do we really know how to listen and hear Him? When a horse goes into training instinctively some horses have what is known as a “reigning ear.“ While it is true that most horses are guided and led by a strap that is secured to a metal bit in their mouths, there are some horses however that have developed a special skill, they are able to keep one ear open to listen for natural warnings and they keep one ear open and sensitive to hear the voice of their trusted trainer, the “reigning ear.“ Elijah reached a place in his life where he desperately needed to hear from God. Elijah faced a series of circumstances that frightened and scared him and he really, really needed to hear a word from God and thank goodness Elijah had a “reigning ear“ towards Gods voice. Although Elijah did experience a great, great victory, afterwards He was so frightened that he ran for his life. Elijah found a cave where he went to hide away and there he prayed, he prayed to God asking God to please just let him die. Hearing Elijah’s desperate plea and knowing his exact needs, God taught Elijah a powerful lesson about what His voice sounds like. As Elijah hid in the cave waiting on God, God showed His Almighty power .. as we read about in our above Scripture. His power was demonstrated through the wind, through an earthquake, and through fire but here is the amazing thing, God was not in these things, Instead as we read, God spoke to Elijah in a “small, still voice.“ God did not reassure Elijah by giving him a big, bright, flashy manifestation of His power and might although He had already proven many times that He was more than capable of doing so, rather God decided to speak to Elijah through a small, still voice. Now the wonderful blessing that we have today is that God still chooses to speak directly to each and everyone of us through a gentle whisper deep down within our spirits. The Bible teaches us that God our Father is a spiritual Being and when we worship Him, we need to do so in spirit and in truth. “God is spirit, and His worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.“ John 4:24 Jesus Himself explains to us that not all people can hear the voice of God because they do not fully trust and believe in Him, therefore they are not able to hear His Word living in their hearts. (John 5:37 – 40) Jesus again teaches us that we must be born again if we want to hear the small, still voice of our Father. “You must be born anew (from above.) The wind blows (breaths) where it wills; and though you hear its sound, yet you neither know where it comes from nor where it is going. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit. John 3:7 – 8 When we make the decision to invite Jesus Christ into our hearts as our Lord and Savior, our spirits are reborn and we come alive by having His spirit in us and this enables us to hear the voice of our Living God. We become enabled to hear God’s gentle whisper, even though we may not know exactly where it comes from, our ears become “tuned in“ we develop a reigning ear“ to our Masters voice. God speaks to us in His small, still voice whispered deep within our hearts and spirits. He whispers to correct, guide, direct and help us so that we are able to confidently walk in His victory as well as to empower us to become the successful ambassadors for Jesus Christ that we were designed to be. ✞ WHEN WE PUT OUR CARES IN GOD’S HANDS, HE PUTS HIS PEACE IN OUR HEARTS.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 08:46:01 +0000

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