CANAAN WAS CURSED AND NOT HAM Not knowing the Bible especially - TopicsExpress


CANAAN WAS CURSED AND NOT HAM Not knowing the Bible especially Genesis 9:24-27 many people think that Ham was cursed and not his son Canaan. They also think that everyone was Caucasian and then Ham’s or Canaan’s children were Black. Some people will believe anything without questioning it even if it makes no sense [ability to make intelligent decisions or sound judgments]. There are scholarly disagreements about how and when some of our dark-skinned ancestors developed lighter skin, but research suggests humans moved across the Asian and European continents about 50,000 years ago. Some anthropologists think that natural selection would have favored lightening mutations as humans moved away from the equator [the equator passes through almost the middle of Africa] and faced a diminished threat from ultraviolet exposure. In this case, its possible that light skin would have evolved in many places independently. This would scientifically explain why people’s skin color changed from dark to light. Furthermore, Genesis 9:22 reads “And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brothers outside.” The Hebrew word translated nakedness here is different from the one used to describe Adam and Eve’s nakedness in Genesis 2:25. It gives us a hint that Noah’s nakedness was shameful, perhaps because of his drunken state, while theirs was innocent. The fact that Ham didn’t restore Noah’s modesty, but ran out to tell his brothers about it resulted in Noah CURSING Ham’s son Canaan. This indicates that his actions were also shameful. Beyond that no one knows. The truth is that the Bible just doesn’t say, and when that’s the case it means we don’t need to know. The relevant narrative occurs in the Book of Genesis and concerns Noahs drunkenness and the accompanying shameful act perpetrated by his son Ham the father of Canaan (Genesis 9:20–27). One of the controversies raised by this story regarding the nature of Hams transgression, and the question of why Noah cursed Canaan when Ham sinned, have been debated for over two thousand years. The storys original objective was to tell what could happen if we look upon on our parents’ nakedness without covering them, as we see the results for Ham was the subjection of the Canaan to Shem and that’s all NOT to the whole wide world. Noah was the one who placed the curse on Canaan he did not have the power to put a generational curse on anyone that is reversed for YAHWEH (see Genesis 3:14-20). He was not prophesying as a revelation from YAHWEH he was retaliating to a sinful act. However, this narrative was corrupted by Jews and Christians, as a curse and an explanation for dark skin people. Have them show you their proof (in the Bible), they don’t have any because all of this is conjecture [speculation] and it’s a lie. Nevertheless, some Christians and non-Christians strongly disagree with such interpretations due to the fact that in the original biblical text, Ham himself is not cursed and race or skin color is never mentioned, and therefore, out of context in the story of Genesis 9. As well as for Canaan no race or skin color is ever mentioned. All so the obvious is being overlooked here everyone during that time had a dark skin tone. The Curse Of Canaan Human life originated in Africa, and migrated out from there. So, the first people were all of a dark skin tone. This has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt, yet many knowingly deny this fact. Variations in human skin color are adaptive traits that correlate closely with geography and the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation. I do wish that all people would open their eyes about praying to and bowing down to the Artistic Interpretation which is held before them a Caucasian Jesus. They have people seeing Jesus everywhere as if they would know him if they saw him that’s the work of the Devil. Genesis 9:18-29 has been popularly MISunderstood to mean that Ham was cursed, and this understanding has often been used to justify oppression of people of African descent {which in actuality includes the whole of humanity}. But in Genesis the curse is stated as, “And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brothers.” Unto HIS BROTHERS, Shem and Japheth not to the world OR anyone else. Let’s just SAY they were right, then we would need to look at WHAT BECAME of Canaan’s descendants as a result of the supposed generational curse put on them by Noah. THE SONS OF HAM: Cush, Egypt, Put, and Canaan (Genesis 10:15-20). They all had many children and all had their own lands, etc. But what of Canaan’s descendants in particular: Canaan had Sidon his firstborn, Heth, the Jebusites, the Amorites, the Girgashites, the Hivites, the Arkites, the Sinites, the Arvadites, the Zemarites, and the Hamathites. Later the Canaanites spread out, going from Sidon toward Gerar, as far south as Gaza, and then east all the way over to Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, Zeboiim, and on to Lasha. The descendants of Canaan family had their own language, country, and nation. Do you still agree that his descendants were under a generational curse? Tell people to stop quoting a book they have never read.
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 19:56:54 +0000

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