CANCER CURED IN WEEKS...HELP TO GET THE CURE INTO THE OPEN!!!! 1934. at the clinic in California, diseased people were exposed to the exact same frequencies that had been seen (through the microscope) to destroy the virus causing their illness. Treatments lasted only three minutes. The person would wait three days before another exposure giving the lymph system time to cleanse the dead virus from their bodies. Unlike the chemotherapy treatments currently in use, Rifes therapy was 100 percent effective and engendered no adverse symptoms. Unfortunately the American Medical Association opposed the use or this incredible device. Physicians who defied this official stance and continued to use the Frequency Instrument had their licenses to practice medicine revoked. Individuals known to make use of the Universal Microscope had their equipment confiscated or destroyed. Yet, 53 years after the arrival of Rifes Frequency Instrument, hundreds of thousands or people still die each year of diseases he cured. What keeps us blinded? The onset of AIDS now threatens virtually the entire human life stream. Perhaps the time has come for individuals to look for new answers on the horizon and to temper our dependence on the authority- of medical professionals. Reading The Cancer Cure Thai Worked is a good start. Its contents will profoundly affect you, and as you turn the final page, you will see your world anew. The books three-page bibliography and numerous reproductions add punch to this already powerful story. It is not too technical, nor is it philosophical. Facts are well-presented in a manner that intends to educate, not overwhelm the reader. The chapter on AIDS ties together Rife’s ideas and today’s theories especially the provocative relationship between cancer and AIDS. The ideas of Alan Cantwell, M.D, one of the leading scientists in the forefront or AIDS research, are included here, supporting and updating Rifes work. To see Rifes work re-created with - todays sophisticated technology is the authors vision. What modem integrated circuits and computer analysis could do to streamline and further improve the Frequency Instrument is a thrilling possibility. It is time to explore the horizon upon which Mr. Rife’s cure for cancer floats like an illusion.... The Background to the John Crane Trial as told by Barry Lynes By 1960, Crane had written and copyrighted a manual which explained how the Frequency Instrument was to be used in the experimental treatment of various diseases and on different parts of the body. By that year, 90 instruments were distributed for research and verification on notarized contracts. And then the medical authorities struck. They raided Cranes office, took over $40,000 in machines, frequency instruments, and one large Rife ray tube instrument, along with engineering data, research records and reports, pictures off the wall, private letters, invoices, tape recordings, and electronic parts-all without a search warrant. They smashed all the research which had been put together over 10 laborious years. As in 1939, they visited the doctors who were experimenting with the machines and forced them to abandon them. They also pressured ordinary citizens who had begun experimenting on a personal basis. These visits were made by teams of investigators. One woman was scared so bad that she has been in a sanitarium driven entirely out of her mind. Her husband cursed them out and told them, to get off his property and has threatened to exterminate them should they return. His wife has undergone shock treatments and two months of hospitalization. The records and materials seized were not allowed to be used by Crane in his own defense during his trial. Roy Rife, almost 73 and incapable of suffering the abuse of another trial at his age, went into hiding in Mexico. His deposition was not permitted to be introduced at the trial. Neither were the medical and scientific reports from the 1930s and 1940s. Nor were medical reports from Dr. Stafford in Ohio. Dr. Couches letters were also declared inadmissable. No medical or scientific report which indicated the Frequency Instrument worked as represented was permitted to be introduced at the trial. Crane was left naked with only the patients who had been cured or helped. The trial was held in early 1961. After 24 days, and despite the testimony of 14 patients who told how the Frequency Instrument cured ailments and diseases which orthodox medicine could not alleviate, Crane was found guilty. The only medical opinion offered by the State of California came from Dr. Paul Shea who had been given a Frequency Instrument by the Public Health Department for 2 months before the trial. Shea admitted he never tried the Frequency Instrument on anything or made any tests to evaluate it. He simply examined it and decided that it had no curative powers and didnt lend itself to investigative use. Also, and most disturbing, the foreman of the jury was an AMA doctor. Everyone else was carefully screened to see that they had no medical knowledge, no electronic knowledge, and didnt read any newspapers supporting alternative healing. The verdict was a foregone conclusion. Crane was sentenced to 10 years in jail. Following appeals, two of the three counts against Crane were reversed in the California Supreme Court because no specific criminal intent had been proven. But Crane still spent 3 years and 1 month in jail. The cure for cancer had been effectively suppressed again. During the trial, James Hannibal, age 76, testified. Blind in one eye, hed been treated by the Frequency Instrument. After several applications, his cataract disappeared-just as cataracts had dissolved in many of Dr. Milbank Johnsons patients during the 1935-37 clinics. Other witnesses at Cranes trial testified to the curing of chronic bladder irritation, and the elimination of a throat lump one-half of the size of an egg. Also cured were fungus growths on hands, fissures in the anus, pyorrhea, arthritis, ulcerated colon, varicose veins, prostrate troubles, tumorous growth over eyes, colitis, pains in the back, and heart attacks. One man testified that for 17 years he had a growth the size of an egg on his spine. After treatment, it had disappeared. After Crane was imprisoned, so much pressure was put on Dr. Stafford in Ohio that he gave up medicine and became a salesman. Another doctor in Salt Lake City had his Frequency Instrument sabotaged and then was hounded by the orthodox medical authorities to such an extent that he committed suicide. Such were the lengths to which the anti-Rife forces were willing to go in order to prevent the testing and use of this breakthrough technology. Barry Lynes
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 00:05:01 +0000

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