CANCER CURES youtube/watch?v=ACI8tZeorfc& - TopicsExpress


CANCER CURES youtube/watch?v=ACI8tZeorfc& Part 2 in Storm Crows look at the little known but highly effective medical ingredients in cannabis. Storm Crow for Salem-News (NORTHERN Calif.) - There is a lot more to cannabis than just THC. Although the press and science have focused on THC because of its effects on the brain, the other cannabinoids are potent medicines in their own right. Studies reveal that CBD, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, may affect cancer cells of many types. Breast cancer, leukemia and glioma (a rather nasty brain cancer) are all slowed, or even killed by CBD. I usually put in something amusing into my articles, but I find nothing amusing about cancer. Both of my grandmothers died of it. So please forgive me if I do not amuse you this time, but cut straight to the chase. In 2006, a study called Anti-tumor activity of plant cannabinoids with emphasis on the effect of cannabidiol on human breast carcinoma, (see:Breast cancer: Antitumor Activity of Plant Cannabinoids with Emphasis on the Effect of Cannabidiol on Human Breast Carcinoma) compared the effect of five different compounds found in cannabis on an aggressive breast cancer. CBD was the clear winner. In a short article about the study, it was stated Cannabidiol (CBD) was the most potent cannabinoid in inhibiting the growth of human breast cancer cells injected under the skin of mice. (see:Science: Cannabidiol inhibits tumor growth in leukemia and breast cancer in animal studies) CBD also reduced lung metastases deriving from human breast cancer cells that had been injected into the paws of the animals. To put it simply, CBD slowed the growth of the breast cancer and kept it from spreading into the lungs. The glioma studies (see: Glioma apoptosis: Inhibition of Glioma Growth in Vivo) and (Glioma apoptosis: Cannabidiol triggers caspase activation and oxidative stress in human glioma cells) are very interesting, since the CBD attacked only the cancerous brain cells while leaving healthy brain cells untouched. Gliomas are one of the most malignant forms of cancer, resulting in the death of affected patients within 1–2 two years after diagnosis. Current therapies for glioma treatment are usually ineffective or just palliative. So how does CBD work to inhibit gliomas and other cancers? Cells normally die through a process called apoptosis. Normal cells die after going through their programmed lifetime--but cancer cells refuse to die and begin to multiply rapidly. CBD tells the abnormal cancer cells that it is time to die by setting off the normal chain of events in programed cell death. The normal cells dont need to be told and are left alone. But CBD doesnt stop there with putting a halt to gliomas. One of the things cancers do is to grow a lot of extra blood vessels to support their rapid growth. This is why a mole that bleeds when you scratch it may be suspected of being skin cancer. In a Spanish study, (see: Glioma blood vessels: Cannabinoids Inhibit the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Pathway in Gliomas) two glioma patients (stage IV) received CBD injected directly into their tumors, for 16 and 19 days respectively, before their tumors were removed surgically. Both showed evidence of regression of the blood vessels to the tumors. The authors considered the results as promising and worthy of further study. A third area where CBD is promising is in the treatment of leukemia. In the study Cannabidiol-Induced Apoptosis in Human Leukemia Cells, (see:Leukemia: Cannabidiol-Induced Apoptosis in Human Leukemia Cells) we find this in the abstract- Exposure of leukemia cells to cannabidiol led to cannabinoid receptor 2 (CB2)-mediated reduction in cell viability and induction in apoptosis. Furthermore, cannabidiol treatment led to a significant decrease in tumor burden and an increase in apoptotic tumors in vivo. Which is a fancy way of saying CBD killed the leukemia cells and reduced the number of tumors. And again, the authors urge further study. Aside from feeling relaxed, there are no noticeable effects from CBD, even with very large doses. On the other hand, modern medicines chemotherapy is the practice of using poisons that are slightly more toxic to cancer cells than healthy cells. The idea is to poison you just enough so all the cancer cells die, while you, as an organism, live. A lot of healthy cells die in the process. Some patients die in the process. Even at its best, chemotherapy makes you feel very sick. CBD or chemo? Which treatment sounds better to you? Of course, these studies are just preliminary and need to be duplicated, refined and studied further. We need to examine the effects of CBD on these and other cancers. Until then, we are stuck with chemotherapy and all of its side effects. We must reschedule cannabis for research. Source: salem-news/articles/july132009/cbd_2_sc_7-13-09.php (THCF supports Salem-News in their efforts!) Two Northern California medical marijuana dispensaries have announced they will be giving away free high-CBD tincture medication for children suffering from seizure disorders. In the wake of the recent death of 6-year old Charlee Nelson in Utah after she was denied cannabis extract known to help control seizures caused by a neurological disorder, Dave Spradlin, co-director of Magnolia Wellness in Oakland and River City Phoenix in Sacramento, has announced that he will provide for free the expensive extract to any patients with a similar ailment. The medicine is a scientifically produced liquid made from marijuana plants and used to treat people with severe seizure disorders. The tincture is rich in a chemical called cannabidiol, or CBD, but low in THC, the main psychoactive ingredient in marijuana. CBD is a non-psychoactive component of marijuana that is known to possess a wide range of therapeutic benefits. It has proven to be especially effective in the treatment of seizures brought on by neurological conditions such as Batten disease, which was blamed in the death of Charlee Nelson. “People are really suffering and this product has been known to cut seizures from hundreds a day to just a few a week or none at all,” said Spradlin. Many in the medical community feel this is an effective alternative to conventional pharmaceuticals and can dramatically improve a patient’s quality of life. - See more at:
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 02:49:00 +0000

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