“CANCER” Cancer is increasing …. It’s the disease caused - TopicsExpress


“CANCER” Cancer is increasing …. It’s the disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. Now lets learn how does this happens. What do we think that Cancer happens in a day or month or in a year….It’s a disease on Mind and not on Body ,A mind which is affected by heavy emotions, a deep grief ,a deep hurt which has happened long time before but have placed itself in an inner mind of a person ,which is travelling with the one who has become the victim of it unknowingly. When a person is diagnosed with a Cancer it is said that cells have become abnormal and are mutated or dividing uncontrollably, have we thought as why this happens? Why Cell Mutation takes place? It happens with a person who is victimized due to Heavy Emotions in life,which mostly happens due to 3 basic Cause - A Relation Problems (any relation) ,Domestic Violence, or Abusive Childhood . These basic problems are not aroused in a day or month or a year but keeps accumulating in your cells as a an emotions which results in Stress or Depressions .Now these emotions pressurize your cell which cannot breath a normal Oxygen and those emotions in turns Mutate the cell and cell becomes abnormal instead the cell has to die it multiplies and starts working abnormally ,then it may be in any part of the body, if the emotions are deposited in stomach its stomach cancer, if its deposited in chest ,its Breast Cancer ,normally we see we have heavy emotions buried in chest area more ,we carry our past events with us through our chest ,or if one have an abusive childhood ,say the person’s father was too strict or teacher was too strict, the victim carries that fear in his stomach. Fear is always seen in stomach, we often say I have butterfly in my stomach when u get scared of something. If a person has relation problems in life it gets accumulated in your chest or brain thus those emotions tear apart that particular part of body and cell of that part starts working abnormally coz it lacks oxygen. Lack of oxygen happens coz that time we do not concentrate on our Breath or we fail to intake enough water or liquid.Have enough Oxygen through Breath and water. Oxygen when enough given to cancerous cell it stops working in abnormal way and cell gets repaired .But for this Doctors and Victim has to work together. Victim has to learn to neutralize their emotions and be in flow with the situations, no matter what situation arises emotions has to be under control. Sometime in Relationship we starts loving a person more than others that too much Love is also causing you heavy emotions which are no good for human body to consume, or a person hates or dislike someone on extended level is even no good coz its again a Heavy emotions hovering around the cell to make it abnormal. Cells are a form of energies which makes Human Body survive, but when Heavy Emotions are are carried , cell stops working coz it’s not getting enough space to breath . So Emotions are nothing but Heavy Gravitational force which pulls you down, stops you evolving. Control Emotions, Neutralize your Emotions, Neutralize emotions of Love and Hatred, Excess Love also becomes a heavy Emotions , and it affects cell to progress, so (It means attachments to something and someone affects our cell system ,so make it neutral and detach yourself from too much attachments). Reduce your Heavy emotions, which stress out cells and make them negative, through which problems arise,Disease makes their way to be in. Cancer can be treated by victim himself if he controls life through Emotions; cancer is nothing but Emotions which are being carried through three basic reasons which are Abusive Childhood, Relation Problems, or Domestic Violence. Cancer patients should not worry of cancer diseases and should not be scared of it; instead they must go through it and defeat the emotions, to defeat cancer. Ask your Doctor to check your Emotions and YOU, cancer will be treated on its own.. One must find out the history from past and try find out why this happened or what are its root cause, it will be definitely one of these basic reasons for the cause, try revive the life handle the situation in a neutral way which will help one to balance the mental level. Then have lot of breathing exercise which will help inhale healthy fresh air which carries Oxygen a pure Energy which would help repair those broken cell of the body part. Also have lot of water again which is a pure Energy and carries Oxygen again for the cell to breath and repair itself if the level of oxygen is balanced in Body and Mind ,it keeps you healthy no matter whatever the situation is. Love all equally, coz when we differentiate Love, we differ emotions .and Emotions pulls you down. Love to Human is a Mirror of Love to Allah Taala, The Almighty…. Love to every Human is a Total of Allah Taala’s Love. It Gathers and reaches to Allah the Almighty, so it means that Allah’s Love is being reflected when you Love each Human beings created by him as a Mirror image. Love should not be differentiated by making less or more to any ,one should love evenly to all, and that’s how it remains in flow and this makes u happy and balanced and keeps you away from problems and inconvenience, coz you treating everyone evenly, all are same for you created by the Creator ,and this how Illness will become less and people will have healthy life, coz then Heavy Emotions will not float, and cells will not be degenerated or broken ….. Be in a flow, Just Be…. And Eradicate Cancer- A Heavy Emotions, caused by three basic Reasons…… Love Amate Sayedna TUS Durratusharaf Saifee New York Hypnotherapist, Regressions and Meditation and Counselling Email:durratent@gmail /durratent@yahoo Skype: durratdfm WhatsApp: +15163668788 Tel: +15186444447 Cell: +15163668788
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 21:59:13 +0000

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