CANCER DAY 1,133: Hello and good morning world. I hope you all - TopicsExpress


CANCER DAY 1,133: Hello and good morning world. I hope you all rode the storms out safely. We did even though we had to get back out in the middle of it. Hopefully it is all gone for a while. Today is Tuesday. Louises BBQ Day! Of course after radiation and junk. Have a blessed week. You know how you wake up in the middle of the night (early morning) and cannot fall back asleep. Im there, but my lack of falling back asleep is due to being sick. Anyway, you cannot fall back asleep so you skim down your Facebook time line reading news articles and playing those questionnaire games like, See what President you are most like and etcetera. BTW: I was most like honest Abe... :) I hesitantly decided to click on the one that gives you an analysis of when you will die and from what. Needless to say, The results were shocking. It stated as you can see by the picture I would die on January 6, 2042 from lung cancer. Wow for it to pick what would kill me is amazing. Three different times in my cancer battle I have been given deadlines. Head-neck-throat cancer I was given 6 months. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma I was given 3 months. And lung cancer I am given 6 months. Thus far God has blessed me past each one of these deadlines in giving me the strength to be still standing after those times have passed. However, I am truly liking this new deadline the analysis gave and will be looking to still be standing tall past its 28 years from now deadline of January 6, 2042. 28 years from now. I can live with that even if the battle is long and harsh as it is currently. It gives me an optimistic outlook better than what the doctor continue to give. This means I have 28 more years to serve and thats a plus from where I currently sit in the midst of all of this cancer mess. Thats the best news Ive heard in a very long time and Im sure it will make Angela feel a little better as well. I know its just a game sort of thing but it is nice to have something pulling in my favor for a change that didnt cost me some kind of torture to get the results in. Even though I was hesitant about clicking on it because I was like, What if it is something you dont want to hear? As most of my analysis have been thus far. Then you also have to ask yourself, Do I really want to be battling that much longer and have my body subjected to 28 years of pain and suffering? You aint just whistling Dixie I do. I love my life (even in the midst of terminal cancer) and the people in it. No amount of pain or suffering will ever change the fact that no matter the pain and suffering; even one more day alive is far better than no more days being dead... They say, We miss the forest for the trees. But I dont want to miss the forest or the trees. I want to stop and do more than smell the roses. I want to see its beauty; feel its tenderness; and smell its wonderful aroma. I want to look to the heavens and see its vastness and all the wonders beneath it. And I want to sit on the porch with my cup of coffee and watch the sunrise bring in a fresh new day and be back that evening to watch the sunset closing it out in preparation for bringing in the next. The simple, yet complex creations of God: I want to be able to say at the end of each day, I didnt miss a single thing God wanted me to see, realize and understand in this day he blessed me with! Far too many times we neglect seeing the beauty in what each day brings because the hustle and bustle of our fast paced-ness keeps us so busy that it consumes our lives and blinds us from seeing those truly grand things while force feeding of bits and pieces of trivial and insignificant things. It is a pacifier that keeps us satisfied while we miss out on the real milk and honey of life.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 12:20:08 +0000

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