CANCER UPDATE When I shared here that I could possibly have - TopicsExpress


CANCER UPDATE When I shared here that I could possibly have Breast Cancer, I never in a million years thought it would be like this. Many know that I do not want this to be a cancer page So my updates have been few and far between. I have had so many messages asking how I am, reminding me that I am in thoughts and prayers, that I am eternally grateful for the kindness and private support. I do not regret sharing my journey. A my last Dr. appt. I said that i didnt mean to be confrontational but I felt that I was being encouraged to have a lumpectomy vs. a mastectomy. I asked what the downsides of a mastectomy were. I am very fortunate to have a NEW Dr, that understands my candor and sometimes so called inappropriate humor. He started with a somewhat long explanation saying that many people choose a lumpectomy because the survival rate is now very close to a mastectomy.. and so on and so on..... . Then he told me that if one has a mastectomy( in my case) there is no radiation ( big perk for me) and no chemo because the cancer is GONE!! I do not mean to offend anyone but i am tired of saying breast ALL the time. I am very sensitive to people who have or have someone with cancer because as some know I lost my father last Nov. and have another very close family member in hospice now dying from it. But I wanted it summed up. So I said are you telling me that if you cut it off and throw it into the boob bag or wherever you put it, and I will have NO radiation, NO Chemo get some reconstruction and I will be cancer free assuming It hasnt spread? He said.. yes thats the summary ( and yes he cracks up a little and my delivery) So we scheduled an MRI. That was this past Wed. Although the cancer has NOT spread to anywhere else in my body, there is something unusual in my right breast as well. So rather than go for another biopsy, worry about that one too for the rest of my life I will be having a double mastectomy in about 6 weeks. The cancer I have now is the size of a pea and is slow spreading. He was going to schedule the surgery last week in June. I told him I wanted to go to Toronto for the big event that Myleen Sjödin is having during gay pride week and I would be able to meet Martin Blix :) :) :) and all of Italove and see some of the people I have met during the past few years. He said that one or even 3 weeks wouldnt matter ( he knows my music, I gave him a CD with many different kinds of songs) So to sum this up. I will make sure I have a LOT of fun in Toronto... come back, have a double mastectomy 1st week of July. The they will reconstruct BOTH breasts ( I can even pick the size) Debra Parton anyone? The total time for them to insert the implants takes about 5 months. So really, about this time next year, I will be Cancer free, and have a very serious set of very firm ta tas ,aka cantaloupes, at over 50. Sounds good to me, considering what could have happened. So ladies, get your mammograms please! If I hadnt this might have been a lot different. I intend to continue writing and recording while recovering, and my prize at the end will be to go to the UK, Netherlands, And of course Sweden. I am sometimes not myself these days. Although I use humor I am also afraid of complications, infections, and anything else that can possibly go wrong. Thank you everyone who has made it clear I can call them anytime and those that continually ask how I am doing both mentally and physically
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 00:53:00 +0000

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