CANNABIS CURES CANCERS! Like This Page · about an hour ago - TopicsExpress


CANNABIS CURES CANCERS! Like This Page · about an hour ago Stan Rutner Culture Magazine, September 6, 2013: Barb: After that he was wiped out. He was very thin. So we finished radiation to his brain on June 25, and on July 13 he entered the hospital for the first time with radiation pneumonitis (inflammation of the lungs due to radiation therapy), so pneumonia. There were three hospital visits during that time, and on the third they kept him for a week and started him on oxygen 24/7. And then he went into palliative care. ... . He entered hospice on August the 12th. [Generally] when you enter hospice they know you’re diagnosed with less than six months to live. But, Stan was given only weeks to live at that time. ... So Corinne suggested daytime cannabis capsule infused with coconut oil; they’re yellow capsules that he started taking. He started taking those in early November of 2011 and in the beginning, he took about a third of a capsule in the morning, and it was about a week or two later that he was able to give up the extra oxygen that he had had 24/7. ... About a week or two later, after trying the cannabis-based medicines, did anyone notice improvements? Stan: Everything improved. Barb: He started gaining weight. Stan: Sleeping better. Barb: Getting stronger. ... Barb: At one point, he was using a walker ... Now he walks up stairs, he does exercise classes, he doesn’t seem to get out of breath, and he takes naps most afternoons. But his strength is so much better than it was. It’s remarkable. ... Barb: On January 27, 2013 we received the results of Stan’s brain MRI in an email from his oncologist, stating simply: “IMPRESSION: No evidence of recurrent disease.” The lung cancer that had metastasized to his brain in the summer of 2011 (and nearly taken his life) was GONE! The doctor calls him a miracle man. We are deeply grateful to his “team” of doctors, friends and family, but we’ll always believe that cannabis turned the tide. ... Looking back, are you convinced that cannabis works as an anti-cancer medicine? Corinne: I’m 100 percent, no question. I believe that his brain tumor is gone because of the cannabis oil. John: There is no doubt in my mind that cannabis pulled my father-in-law out of the wasting stages of cancer and enabled him to gain strength and in turn fight this horrible cell malfunction with success. While many would say that the chemo and radiation could have played apart, he would never have lived long enough to find out without cannabis oil. ireadculture/article-2940-convinced-of-the-cure.html
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 04:56:02 +0000

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