CAPRIVI STRIP LAND AND NAME CHANGE SHALL NOT BE DECIDED BY FOREIGNERS In our previous articles we once mentioned that SWAPO will do everything humanly possible to see the Caprivi Strip and its people exterminated from the face of the earth. Something many Caprivians could not believe and let alone comprehend. Today the true colors of SWAPO are out in the open for everyone, young or old to see. As people say, “seeing is believing”; at the same time, we have a belief that what you hear cannot destroy you, but that which you see can kill. John Locke once mentioned that a government is only legitimate if it derives its powers from its citizens, who give their consent to its formation. It was John Locke who asserted that a government could be good only if it received the consent of the governed and protected the natural rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness, (Locke, 1689). If such consent was not achieved, Locke argued in favor of a right of rebellion. He believed that revolution is not only a right but an obligation in some circumstances. In lieu of this open fact, we also concur with Locke’s assertion and believe that much as people around the President make him a dictator, it is within the rights of a people to seek freedom and justice from such brutal regimes. The UN Charter is clear when it comes to the right to protect citizens. According to the then UN Secretary General Mr. Kofi Anan in his 2009 report, the State carries the primary responsibility for protecting populations from crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing. He further stated that it is the responsibility of the international world to use appropriate diplomatic, humanitarian and other means to protect populations from these crimes. If a State is manifestly failing to protect its populations, the international community must be prepared to take collective action to protect populations, in accordance with the UN Charter, (UN report, 2009). It is without doubt that SWAPO government, after realizing that the Caprivi Strip territory is an entity on its own, targeted and uses their mighty to fragment and destroy the Strip and its population. Their ploy began during their liberation struggle when they merged with CANU. But in 1975 when their need to use the Strip as corridor to launch war against the apartheid regime of South Africa waned, Nujoma put Mr. Muyongo aside, to put it mildly. It is that hatred from which all these Caprivian miseries stem from. Just after the Namibian independence, SWAPO wanted to implement their party manifesto plans in the Caprivi Strip. They created SWAPO party loyal tribal chiefs in order to gain support in the Caprivi and also transferred the then late education direct Mr. Mukendwa. The entire Caprivian populace took to the street protesting his transfer and the creation of SWAPO loyal chiefs who by tradition can never be considered as chiefs but as indunas to say the least. SWAPO then used the police and the army to suppress and kill all that were in their sight. It is here that the killings and the tribal cleansing started. The commission of inquiry was instituted to investigate the issue but its findings remained cold to this day. Secondary schools were reduced to only eight and salaries of chiefs were cut to only a thousand rands. From there came the PEDICO saga to which again the Caprivians objected to its presence in the Caprivi. It was averted that PEDICO was not a real company but a platform meant for grabbing land from the Caprivians, without their consent. Due to their unscrupulous behaviors they forced upon Caprivians PEDICO, an Egyptian company that was supposed to do agriculture in the Caprivi‘s lake Lyambezi. This was only aborted after the very strong objections from the population and the chief, thereafter the company’s owner was found to be wanting in terms of finance. The SWAPO government never stopped there; because of their fear of Mr. Muyongo they plotted against him by organizing Zimmerman, whom we believe was working with the Late Victor Muituti as their spy to create a situation to find a reason to arrest Mr. Muyongo. It was then that a warrant of arrest was issued but his swift action to leave the country made it fruitless. They then ransacked a number of villages including Sachona, Lizauli and Katima Mulilo where they killed, arrested and tortured a number of people, and that saw the exodus of Caprivians into exile. Politically, The Caprivi Strip has always been a problem to all colonizers including SWAPO because from 1990 to the early 2000s they could not win in that territory. With that in mind they changed constituencies to suit their political aspirations. They went on imposing unelected governors on citizens who never had a problem in electing their own representatives. From there they forced the Caprivi regional council to change the Caprivi Strip name. But when that failed they have now imposed a name change to the region against the will of the people, something the people of the Caprivi were supposed to choose through a ballot box in a referendum. Not to forget, the attempts of incorporating the Western Caprivi to Kavango which remains another issue Caprivians are yet to fight for. Given this background the wise man Mr. Phil Ya Nangolo’s words rings louder in every Caprivian‘s ears. It is preposterous for a President to think so low even if a hand bag man cannot drop down his master’s bag because he fears to be scolded. They say that little education is dangerous for we now know that his behavior is waterloo. We also believe that time is now to unite, do some soul searching and follow the right and only way out of the mud. We have many options before us to finding a logical and lasting solution to these recurring problems. Let us stand up and organize for the right remedy to SWAPO’s barbaric behavior in the Caprivi Strip. After enduring much suffering at the hands of the Namibian SWAPO government, it is time for the international community to intervene in the Caprivi Strip conflict by first placing The Caprivi Strip territory under the non self governing territories where its people shall be protected. Just as the UN Charter depicts; we believe that recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. Again, disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people. It is therefore important to note here that, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse as a last resort to rebellion against tyranny and oppression then human righ! ts should be protected by the rule of law, (UN Charter). Let us emphasize the fact that independence for the Caprivi Strip is inevitable regardless of the strategies and issues SWAPO will throw in the territory. We will rise as a people and a strong nation. UDP Bulela Sicaba Sa Utwa!!!! Chrispin Mutoiwa UDP Secretary for Information Mutcrio@yahoo 206 602 7851
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 19:17:30 +0000

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