CAPTAINS LOG, STARDATE: MARCH 24 2014... STANDARD DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed on this page belong solely to the owner of this page, any resemblance to persons real, dead or imagined indicate that the aforementioned persons have the right and responsibility to jump off the bridge you burned, at this time no response to the aft-mentioned opinions are necessary if you feel that a response is necessary you have 15 days to file a motion with the Facebook and this may result in your right to look like a complete idiot, you also have the right to kiss my ass and remain silent which is preferred..unless otherwise stated in the paragraph below the aforementioned owner of this page retains the right to express opinions based on copyright2014 1) work today 1-6 2) just got a call: cause there aint enough on our plate lets now add... the results of your MRI require an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon... not sure yet... but shoulder surgery for my hubby may be eminent... hes so strong and never had to do anything like this... the idea of him not being able to work out and being the strongest man he knows is killing him... we just gonna go with it and keep positive... 3) speaking of positive.... some people be spouting positivity and understanding like its the thing to do.... GO AHEAD... IT happened to you!!! now youre doing it to your kids !!!?? (just cause you believe lies and manipulations) robbing children of people that love and care for them because you are selfish like you were robbed..?? mystifying!!! but hey like the one before you... you are the property and nothing else matters... except hurting people then blaming them cause you are not happy!! dont accuse us of not trying (like you always do) WTF we supposed to do..?? fight all day every day!! have a great life...!!! we ll wait til the kids are old enough... cause that didnt work with you!!! but like I said for the past 8 years... IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE!!! need help??? need sitters?? need money?? theres the bridge you burned (JUMP)!!! Im waiting til my grandkids call me!!! cause they know who loves them... 4) other people also be talking about minding business that doesnt belong to them... need to mind the business that doesnt belong to them... Im too grown and already know what time it is...If my name is spoken it becomes my business dont want me in leave me out... rachet ass spoiled brat ungrown 40 year old females that cant make it on their own.. cause they too busy minding the business of others need to get their own man, a job and a life...
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 18:59:34 +0000

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