CARDS ALL TURNED OVER FROM EARLIER POST ***THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES*** CARD 1 - BARNUBUS AND THE PRINCE.. This card when it comes to you is telling you that your quest and your search is going to create new opportunities and there will be a successful end to the search. You will find what you seek and so much more. Listen for the song of the natural world for when you hear it that is when you know your wish has been granted. You need to quest.. to see your search as a journey, an adventure and even travel to go where you are being guided to bring out the realisation of a dream. Use the power of your voice to call out for it. Let the world and the natural world know that you wish for them to deliver. This card is also reminding you that staying in your present comfort zone will not bring about that which in your heart you yearn for.. you must become active and create. Its also reminding you that travel and adventure can bring about soul growth that will let your song grow stronger. Have no fear.. the drought will be broken. Your tears will cleanse the way.. know that you do not need to die to go home or be with the one you love. CARD 2 - SCARED TO FLY.. New life is coming. This is the card that indicates that its almost time and that you must be ready for when the time is right. This card is about suspending activity and being in the moment.. awaiting the right moment and knowing when you are in that flow all will unfold perfectly. Just by being where we are we may understand so much of where we have been and where we will go and we can certainly refine what it is we want, value and desire. Know that transformation is inner before its manifested outwardly to the world. You must wait for the time to be right. Just simply by doing this you will affect change, your energy itself will change the situation and your reaction is an indication of great wisdom. Its hard not to react or project our fears onto others i know and to blame and take everything so personally. Its very hard.. This card can also indicate the lesson of surrender. Once you understand the precious and timeless nature of being, and the fact that time is not linear, you will move forward and into your strength and purpose in divine right timing. The faery and nature will show you with a clear and natural sign of it is time. CARD 3 - ACORNS INVITATION.. The impact of touch is so underestimated, but know that this faery man in the card here wishes to remind you that without touch you can become sad, depressed, unwell and your immune system weakens. Hug.. hold hands. Even rub a back, get a massage, rub feet and just connect. Allow a butterfly to alight on your finger.. pat a dog, stroke a cat. Look into someones eyes while you sit with knees touching. For this touching is healing and touch has the ability to uplift us, comfort us.. soothe us, cure us and just make us vibrate with bliss. Touching is an absolutely mutual act. As we touch, we are touched in return, therefore its a way of exchanging energy. Give and receive. CARD 4 - This card can show up in your life when you are reaching a point in a situation or relationship where the strands need to be rewoven or changed. For, just as the spider does each morning, all our relationships and connections need this regular tending. It would seem that there has been some neglect of some important strands in your life and you are now at a point where you are wondering whether to repair or move on. There may have been some breakdowns in communication.. not having heard from someone.. speaking less with family members or even not paying attention to the small things that bind us together. Though the strands seem so delicate and gossamer thin, remember that they are strong indeed. When spider spins her strands can withstand wind and rain.. storms and damage.. ice and burning sun. All it takes is gentle reweaving each day, for relationships and connections of great strength to endure. Things can be even better and stronger than before. CARD 5 - THE LITTLEST FAERY.. Little things do matter and they are very often overlooked and go unnoticed or are judged ordinary due to their lack of size. But do you know such small things have power.. magick and significance far beyond their size. This card is telling you to be sure to take a look around, both with your physical eyes and with your spirit eye. Find what has been given to you and then give thanks for the little things in your life. The tiny things. Notice something that is overlooked and do something small to be of help.. yes your life itself may seem small at times but ohh its a powerful and magickal one and you can bring many blessings to both the planet and the soul of nature. See what can be reduced in your life and know that it will shine brighter for this seeming reduction. CARD 6 - Ok, just close your eyes for a moment and just imagine yourself being sprinkled with faery dust from head to foot and from within yourself, see this golden light awaken and radiate out. Stand tall and strong, and walk with deliberation and care. Meet the glances of people fearlessly and with belief in your own power and worth. Be warm, and be strong for when we do this we come from a position of personal truth and strength rather than from a belief in our fatigue our age.. infirmities.. our injustices. Know who you are and then bring that forth for that is the true meaning of powerful glamour. When you invoke this power, all who see you will stop, share with you their attention, their respect and their time. And you in turn will do it for those who have found that power within themselves too.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 16:53:27 +0000

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