CARDS ALL TURNED OVER FROM EARLIER POST ** this is for - TopicsExpress


CARDS ALL TURNED OVER FROM EARLIER POST ** this is for entertainment purposes ** CARD 1.. Self Forgiveness - Let go of old guilt, and remember that youre Gods perfect child.. Youve been very hard on yourself lately, using harsh words toward yourself verbally or mentally. While its healthy to hold yourself up to high standards, this card says that youve bordered on self-abuse.. Everyone makes mistakes, and its normal to feel regret occasionally. Whats important, though, is how you handle these mistakes. As you focus on your positive attributes, your self-esteem will increase and your stress level will be diminished. Remember that guilt is the opposite of love. Your guilt doesnt help anyone or anything, but your Divine love helps everyone, everywhere.. Affirm: I ask that all effects of my mistakes be undone in all directions of time, and I now release all guilt completely. I love my true self, from top to bottom. CARD 2.. Explore Your Options - Its time to look at other possibilities. Its a good time to make changes. Sometimes we think, This is the way it is, and we dont see other options. By drawing this card, Heaven now asks you to question any situation that you think cant be changed. Take a moment and pretend that a magical mermaid has granted you three wishes. You can have anything you want! What will you wish for? The truth is that most anything you desire is possible, and this card asks you to explore your options. At first, you might do so mentally through daydreams and nighttime dreams. Then its important to turn those possibilities into realities by breaking them into small goals that you can accomplish today. When you explore new opportunities, the energy of the Universe begins flowing in the direction of your dreams. Any step that you take no matter how small will help you see options that you may never have noticed before. CARD 3.. Break Free - Try different ventures and experiences as a way to grow and learn. Sometimes we get into ruts and routines because they feel safe and comfortable. By drawing this card, youre asked to swim outside your comfort zone. Its time to take risks and explore new ways of thinking, making a living, or being in relationships. When you make the commitment to explore and experiment, the world responds by giving you wonderful new experiences. Heaven isnt necessarily asking you to settle into these new avenues, but to instead test the water and venture out. Sometimes well experiment and learn new things, and then when we return to our comfortable old routines, were changed (for the better). This is definitely a time for you to reach out and enjoy new options.Try something new today. CARD 4.. Father Healing - Your personal power increases as you give any father-related issues to Heaven. This card shows you that you still have some father issues left to heal. The healing doesnt need to take a lot of time it simply requires your willingness to be free of any old anger, grief, or fear related to your male parent. Universal energies are either male or female. Male energy is expansive and giving. Female energy is nurturing and receptive. If were unhealed with respect to our father, the Universe seems to be ungenerous. If were unhealed toward our mother, we wont accept the gifts the Universe offers us. The more you focus on the spiritual truth of your father, the more your heart will be receptive to the Universes continuous and all-encompassing giving. Accept your rightful bounty, and open your arms to your Divine inheritance. Affirm: I now focus on the love that is the spiritual truth of my father, and I hereby balance any karma between us. I now let go of everything but the love and the lessons of my relationship with my father. CARD 5.. Mother Healing - As your feelings toward your mother heal, your desires manifest more rapidly and accurately. Heaven asks you to release some remaining mother issues. Give the entire situation to Heaven, knowing that everything is in the hands of Infinite Spirit. The situation may heal in unexpected ways. Be unconcerned with how it heals, and be vigilant in releasing any lower energies connected to your mother that could interfere with your lifes mission. By releasing any mother issues to Heaven, your heart opens further to accepting joy and blessings into your life. Your mother benefits when youre happy, whether or not shes consciously aware of it. Be willing to forgive and release old issues relating to yourself, your mother, mother figures, or anyone connected to your mother. By cleaning your inner house, you invite new love, opportunities, abundance, and healing energy to enter your life. CARD 6.. Play Time - The dolphins know the importance of playing, as joy creates miracles and manifestation. This card indicates that youve been straining and working too hard, and that youve lost your original focus. Youre striving more out of habit than out of a clear direction. The dolphins ask you to stop, and divert your attention through silliness and non-competitive play. Any kind of playfulness will shake up your ruts and routines, and allow you to regain perspective on what is important and what is not. Playing is a magical form of meditation, as it opens your heart chakra and allows your creative spirit to tap in to Divine wisdom. If your playfulness involves outdoor physical activity, the extra oxygen will also spark new ideas for you. CARD 7.. Heed Your Dreams - Your dreams are a powerful tool for increasing self-awareness for they contain within them the unfiltered truth. Whether it be a dream or a nightmare, they are the keys to understanding your inner self.. both your joys and your fears. Commune with Gaia and Great Spirit in the stillness of your slumber.. learn to read and interpret your dreams. Listen to what they tell you. Pay close attention to how they make you feel. Heed what they reveal and learn who you are and who you wish to be. CARD 8.. Observe In Silence - Now is not the time to be the life of the party, nor to step forward into the role of leader or teacher. Be cautious. It may not be wise to draw attention to yourself or to reveal your plans to others at this time. Instead, be silent. Step back. Be still. Observe in silence. Watch those around you and be mindful of what you see, hear, and feel. Trust in your instincts and intuition and let them guide your steps.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 15:06:18 +0000

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