CARIBBEAN, JUSTICE AND REPARATION Por: Yoel Pérez Marcano | - TopicsExpress


CARIBBEAN, JUSTICE AND REPARATION Por: Yoel Pérez Marcano | Aporrea. org. Despite all the political efforts, legal, academic and media by the old European colonial powers (counting with the complicity of some neocolonial elites that happened in the direction of the Governments of the region) to make it disappear from the consciousness of the peoples of the Caribbean and Latin America, the genocidal campaign undertaken by the old European Monarchies, their commercial companies, their pirates and mercenary troops, new efforts from governments, academics and social movements in the Eastern Caribbean, recover for the historical memory and the struggle of the peoples of our America, the inescapable and inextinguishable duty to such powers to offer public apologies for their crimes against humanity and grant moral repairs, political and material to the descendants of their victims. Of all criminal adventures undertaken by Europe in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and even, in its own territory, none had the grade of savagery and the level of equity profit as that undertaken in the territory of the continental America and insular, which most of the populations were decimated, pray for the armed action of their soldiers of fortune and eager adventurers for quick wealth of lands and mines, as for the conditions of life and work to which the native populations were subjected and, even the millions of children, women and men enslaved brought in gallons for long journeys, thousands of which were thrown overboard ships for having fallen ill or died of hunger in the narrowness of the contaminated storage that they were transported. The criminals European Monarchies of England (today United Kingdom of Great Britain, Wales and Northern Ireland), Spain, Holland and France (today French Republic), they were imposed for more than 300 years, thousands of ethnic groups, villages and ancient Nations composed of millions of human beings, a war of conquest and extermination and evil slave exploitation, theft of their wealth, while their victims didn’t knew of its existence as Nations or had threatened them or invade much less done any act of war, which allowed them to an accelerated process of accumulation of wealth that constituted the material base to erect in the dominating center of the planet Earth from the 16th century and still yet allowing them to continue to enjoy the benefits of their criminal enterprise, while the oppressed peoples, who were allowed the necessary for survival, live the shame of their enslaved past, the hardships of their economic backwardness, the shortcomings of their social and cultural life and are even subjected to different forms of political slavery through systems of autonomous governments, but under the aegis of the old colonial power, that way perpetual his long record of criminal conqueror. This has been this collective memory recorded in minds and hearts of importance to the peoples of the Eastern Caribbean which allowed that, at 34º Summit of Heads of State and of Government of CARICOM, held in the month of July, 2013, in the City of Trinidad, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, addressed again, after the unsuccessful attempt made at the International Conference Against Racism, of the United Nations, held in the City of Durban, Republic of South Africa, the theme of Justice and Reparation as moral, political and legal obligation of the colonial and European powers against the peoples, victims of the genocide, slavery and the colonial exploitation, being the Prime Minister of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Doctor Ralph Everar Gonsalves, the voice that will submit the proposal for an Initiative for Justice and Reparation for the peoples of the Caribbean, victims of colonization, enslavement and the exploitative colonial system imposed by England (Great Britain), Spain, France and the Netherlands, which is the main cause of the state of economic and social backwardness of those peoples. The initiative for Justice and Reparation of the peoples members of the CARICOM, which has the support and solidarity of the States members of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of our America, ALBA, is a collective proposal driven by a high level Committee chaired by Dr. Ralph Gonsalves composed of lawyers, academics and intellectuals in the region which aims at presenting to the Governments of the colonial powers, a list of complaints and applications for moral, political and economic repairs on behalf of the peoples of the region, but in the event that they refuse to respond to the requests submitted by the Caribbean Governments, then they may go before the International Court of Justice, the United Nations, with headquarters in Haya, in order to claim jurisdictionally that by law and justice corresponds as reparations, in both hereditary populations, civil and moral of the damages caused by the colonization and slavery exploitation. As part of this campaign, various social organizations of the population of krioll (Afrodescendant), (blackcarib) Garifuna, Maya, Indians (Indio descendant) and mestizos and the Belizean National Trade Union (Trade Union Congress) and academic personalities and the cultural world of Belize, met this Friday, October 10th, 2014, in the Auditorium of the Jaguar of the University of Belize, located in Belmopan, Capital of Belize, in order to join their will of support to the Initiative for Justice and Reparation of the Governments of the CARICOM, confirming the right of all the peoples of the Caribbean subjected to colonial domination and slave exploitation to be compensated for any past damages, present and future caused by this action perpetrated by the colonial powers and in particular, in the responsibility that today has the Kingdom of Spain and the United Kingdom of the Great Britain, Wales and North Ireland, successor and beneficiary of the Empire of England, by the campaign of genocide and culturally developed for more than 300 years against the Mayan indigenous people of Belize and the enslaved population and colonized Africans who are still living the tragedy of their subjugation to the conditions of life and work, theft of their natural and cultural riches and economic, social and cultural backwardness that the system produced in the heart of the belizean people. This effort of the Government and social movements, which are incorporated by the progressive sectors of the intellectuality, academics and popular artists of the Caribbean region, confirm that the long night of the European genocide in America has not been closed and will not close unless colonial States assume their responsibility in this humanitarian tragedy, offer apologies for his crimes against humanity and compensate collectively to the peoples victims of their misdeeds.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 22:04:28 +0000

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