CAROLYNS CRITIQUES: Today I am critiquing THE MAYA RUDOLPH - TopicsExpress


CAROLYNS CRITIQUES: Today I am critiquing THE MAYA RUDOLPH SHOW. She was on SNL for 7 yrs, and played the bride in BRIDESMAIDS. I couldnt wait to see her show...and thats what the was about....HER! Andy Samberg, Kristen Bell, Fred Armisen, and Chris Parnell were guests. WARNING! SPOILER ALERT: There are none because the show was SPOILED and ROTTEN! Here we go with my critique: She comes out in a black sequined dress, and sang a song called THIS IS MY SHOW...and all the reason why it was her show. The number was upbeat, with dancers behind her....all out HOLLYWOOD or MGMish, if you will. She mentions in the song that the show was practiced for 14 months, which I find incredulous, because throughout the show, they all were constantly reading the monitors. Now it makes sense on SNL because it is live, so in 14 months they couldnt remember their lines? For shame! The opening number lasted 10 mins. In the number, she tears off her dress to show off her new figure...the new costume is fringy, the kind you see Jennifer Lopez wear, and Jennifer looks hot, but Maya does not. At the end, she sat on a crescent moon and was lifted up, then tons of confetti explodes everywhere! Where was Busby Berkeley when we needed him! The number was not funny, clever, or charming. Then next skit was with Kristen Bell from FROZEN, and she and Maya sang about how the sequel should was NOT FUNNY...poor Kristen...why her? This was not her forte. Hey....idea...why didnt she use someone who is Melissa McCarthy...that would guarantee a few laughs! They sang the entire number, and I could only cringe! The next skit was better...parents who talk and act like a GPS. I laughed one time. Kristine Bell was in the skit....WTF....why did Maya choose her? Not funny. The next musical number was called A DAY AT THE BEACH...singing, of course, Kristen Bell (what a little trooper) was in the number...AND there was not a beach to be seen! The entire song (called I want to jam out with my clam out) was stupid, well...I just didnt get it! The next number was a musical about how to pronounce and spell her name...seriously! She used her stars to dress up like a LETTER...just like when Justin Timberlake wore the big hot dog suit...and it went on and on and on...I was just plain sorry for her at this point...dont forget, the entire number was sung. Then a very short skit with Fred Armisen, did not laugh was stupid. Then another small skit where the play THE PYRAMID...not funny....stupid. Next...Fred and Chris pretend they are late for the show, and commenced to climb all over the guests to find their seats...not funny...stupid. Next Janele Monet sings a song about Maya called: The #1 Electric Lady. All about Maya...of course. Then the funny hosts from SNL did a skit about going to the doctor. Maya was not in the scene, so I was waiting for laughs...none came. Earlier I mentioned the reading of the monitor. This was the worst...they couldnt look at each other because they were so reading! And my vote for worse scene was when Maya and Chris Parnell were sitting together on stools...Chris recently had a he dedicated a lullaby for his baby. Of course Maya sang was about every gross thing that babys you get the idea what the lyrics were. I like to call it CACA POOPOO PEEING humor. If you are still here, and you saw the show, please comments.
Posted on: Wed, 21 May 2014 00:55:07 +0000

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