CASE by Julia M. Green, M.D. L.E.M., medium height, stocky, rather - TopicsExpress


CASE by Julia M. Green, M.D. L.E.M., medium height, stocky, rather pasty, sallow, very puffy about the eyes. In U.S. Naval Academy with rigid tests and O.K. HISTORY: 1906: Trace of sugar in urine. 1908: Typhoid; never regainedweight. 1911: Appendectomy; appendix found shrivelled; followed by abscess on abdominal wall. 1912: Some sugar but gradually less. 1914: Strangulated intestine, emergency operation. Sugar in quantity after this. One time of coma. 1916: Retired on account of diabetes. 1921: Gradual loss of weight. Neuralgia legs and feet until hard to walk. Began insulin; on it all the time since May, 1923. HOMEOPATHIC TREATMENT: June 16, 1925. 42 years, height 67 3/4 inches, weight 143 1/2. At lowest weighed 113 and some of this edema. Face sallow with tendency to moth spots and acne. B.P. below 100 at one time,now 130. Sugar in urine was 5 or 6%, now none for a year. Blood sugar was 35.00% two or three years ago, now none. Taking 32 units of insulin daily. Left antrum has been infected for three years. Now slight discharge which is offensive. Skin extremely dry. Slight wounds or scratches very slow to heal. Ulcers over tibia and between toes do not heal. Endurancelow, must lie down frequently. Teeth poor, better since started insulin. Likes dry weather, mild climate. Worse damp weather and drafts. Craves open air. Calm naturally, phlegmatic, rather slow. Irritable with diabetes. July 14. Cut insulin one-half. Lyc. 10M.July 20. Decidedly better and cut out insulin. July 29. Stools regular (had been constipated many years). Diarrhea the 24th. Aug. 10. Sugar 1 1/8% a week ago. Sept. 9. More energy; color better. Urinalysis ten days ago: quantity normal; sp. gr. 1035, sugar 2 1/2%. Oct. 24. More nervous, irritable. Lyc. 10M. Nov. 25. No better, very irritable.Sugar 3 3/4%. Lyc. 50M. Dec. 9. Better in general. Sugar 4%, sp. gr. 34. Feb. 8, 1926. Growing worse, thinner, weaker. Vision blurred on attemptingto read. Ulcer of great toe refuses to heal. Sulph. 10M. Feb. 19. No better. Went to Naval Dispensary for examination. Advised return to insulin and did so. Told trouble with retina. Psor. 10M. March 25. Gaining flesh steadily. Ableto reduce quantity of insulin over andover and get a reaction, even when eating more freely than for years. April 7. Urine and blood sugar free since early February. April 26. Has gained ten pounds. Looks more sallow. Eyes no better. Psor. 10M. May 24. Insulin 18 units (one year ago 36 units). Vision better slowly. July 7. Vision worse. Ankles swelling. Psor. 50M. Sept. 28. Able to go touring, driving long distances, eating as other people do in hotels and restaurants; careful to avoid most sweets. Dec. 18. Been better. Now weight less. Psor. 50M. Feb 16, 1927. Toe which has had ulcer since treatment began entirely healed. Subsequent history is a repetition. Weight, strength, energy, remain good. Does all kinds of mechanical labor. Diet only slightly restricted. Insulin produces reaction occasionally and must be reduced. Vision is permanently affected so cannot read fine print. All tests for sugar negative
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 08:36:31 +0000

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