CATHOLIC. UNIVERSAL. CHURCH. July 05, 2013 Friday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary Time Genesis 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67 Psalm 106:1-5 Matthew 9:9-13 It is not good for man to live alone, and therefore God created woman. Many blessings are poured down upon husband and wife who share mutual affection; God gives strength when two are united together. The weakness of man is made full through a woman and the weakness of a woman is fulfilled through a man. God has given a woman to a man to soften the hardened heart and pour love into his heart, while a woman receives the inner strength and physical protection to overcome her feelings and fragility in a bitter and sometimes merciless world. The two were made for one another and bounded together through the love that comes from God. It is the love found in mutual sacrifice that raises one member to the heights of the other, and both are therefore blessed by each other’s strengths. All things in this world are however passing and we must take to heart all that we have received. God never leaves any one individual alone, but sends the Comforter to give strength and love into our heart. Each individual must bury the flesh and seek a new life in the Spirit that is found through the Lord. From the beginning it is the love of God that unites hearts, and His love we are all able to witness from the Cross of sacrifice. The love of God is immeasurable and has poured down upon those who have opened themselves to His mercy. Our house can only be made full when God dwells within, and each of us is filled with His grace. Let us be able to sacrifice ourselves for those who are weak, so that they receive strength. Let us be found merciful with our house and our neighbors as God has been merciful with us. It is the love of the mother that blesses a household and the strength found in the father that raises it to greatness. We give thanks to the Lord for the Church from which we have received all good things. It is the Father that has showed us His power through the Son and the Mother that has revealed her love for all of the children of God. It is not good for man to live alone, but everyone must find the Spirit that leads the sick and sinners to the salvation of the Lord.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Jul 2013 11:50:06 +0000

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